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A head-and-shoulders illustrated portrait of Ceri Riley. She is smiling with her mouth closed, has light skin, and long light pink hair.

Winter Break and New Year Resolutions by Ceri Riley '16

In which I try to express how wonderful being home is

It’s been a couple weeks, hasn’t it? Now that I’m back on campus for IAP, TA-ing a class (blog post to come) and continuing one of my UROPs from this past semester (the MITx supplemental video-making one), I figured it’d be a good time to get back into this regular vlogging routine too.

This one’s a bit rough around the edges, mostly made up of video I took over break or a timelapse from this afternoon. But it’s a start, and hopefully IAP means I have more time to actually execute some of the blog post ideas that accumulated over the last semester!