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sticker stories by Kanokwan T. '25

adorned on my water bottles

One year ago, I lost my first stickered bottle. 😔

Pretty sure it slipped out of my backpack on the plane…silly me. I checked my location tracker (because I am crazy and put a really old tile on it) and saw it was still in the luggage area, submitted item retrieval paperwork to the airport, and have since heard nothing. Legend has it, the bottle is still there. Unfortunately, I have no intentionally-taken photos of it, but I did manage to find the bottle in the corners of old photos! Pardon the grain.

Here are the cropped versions:


(very short eulogy): you did such a great job at holding water. oh great green bottle, you will be missed.

I feel like a mosaic, comprised of fragments of everything around me.

My water bottles have been akin to that, but instead with stickers.

Fun fact: 2 years ago, while I was working as an Orientation Leader, I was mistaken as ~the blogger who blogged about their water bottle stickers~ (which was actually Audrey C. ’24, at the time) because I had my bottle out. So, here is me adding to the blogger bottle lore.

I’ve made it a point to never buy a sticker for my bottles. I just use the ones that have naturally found their way into my life. Feels interestingly organic that way.

I also put stickers only on my bottle. I used to cover other things, like fridges or laptops, but I like them all in one place.

Layers and layers have built up. I like how the less-relevant stickers fade away under the new ones, but I know they’re still there. It’s also an interesting creative challenge to decide what stickers I’m willing to cover up for the sake of the newer ones.

I got a new bottle.01 i must note i was into the Owalas back in 2020, way before they took off 😤 This time, with an AirTag instead,02 fun fact: when I interned at Apple, the only thing I bought with my employee discount was a ton of AirTags lol for more accurate tracking.

That’s all! More stickers to come…

  1. i must note i was into the Owalas back in 2020, way before they took off 😤 back to text
  2. fun fact: when I interned at Apple, the only thing I bought with my employee discount was a ton of AirTags lol back to text