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A head-and-shoulders illustration of Janet. She has light skin, long black hair and is wearing a green, textured jacket with a black shirt and silver necklace underneath.

[live blog] BLUEPRINT 2025 by Janet G. '27

by the Blueprint Team // come see what we're baking!

goooooood MORNING YALL 🌞🌞🌞

…is what i told my team at 6:30am in the morning after staying up until 1am (skull emoji – selena) to sort out the final logistics for our event today.

It’s March 1st, which means a few things:

  • spring is coming up
  • 1/6th of the year has gone (already??)
  • the weather is getting WARM
  • BLUEPRINT 2025 01 HackMIT's annual high school learnathon and hackathon, where we spend a day teaching local-ish high schoolers about CS skills, and then spend another day supporting them to build projects in 9 hours IS HAPPENING!!

anyway. i’m the director of blueprint, so i am a little busy, but i’ve asked some of my lovely team members to give updates and let you guys know what we’re up to. the theme this year is bakery, and everything is SO CUTE so we’re going to try get you guys some photos too.

i’ll sign off now. the team will introduce themselves as they give live blog updates, but we’re super excited to have the kids here (and have you follow along what we’re doing!!)

hi!!! i’m sabrina and i’m a part BluePrint’s dev team. this is my third blueprint(bp) cycle and even after surviving through all the previous hackathons/cycle, this bp is still one of the cutest yet.

  • We started BluePrint with an introduction by our fearless leader, Janet, and Ashley, who were adorned by the cutest rat hats (irl Ratatouille fr!). we just finished a resounding performance by resonance which was lit.
  • I’m so obsessed with all the bakery themed EVERYTHING from the slides to the sweatshirts to the cute chalked drawings on the boards. while the theme is making me a bit hungry, there was (thankfully) catered breaky from Flour!
  • there were many laughs from sanjith and timmy’s bird demo for the blueprint meme competition. it was silly, but in the best way possible, and i am hyped to see all the memes that the highschoolers make!
  • next some members and i taught the game dev workshop! (detailed as more below by evan~~) it was so cute to see all the high schoolers so eager to participate and honestly it reminds me of why I do hackmit in the first place <3
Resonance performance

Resonance performance at Blueprint opening ceremony!!

HI i’m selena (snoc) and i’m a member of blueprint’s marketing team. janet has relinquished full control of her computer to us so teresa is dumping it in the charles. hack is lit and awesome. kimberly is wondering if tech talks are happening right now and izzy just stuck me in a tiktok.

half of the marketing team is lowk just sitting around a table drawing and stealing lunch because we are old and locked out and also “researching for social media” (doomscrolling tiktok) but also this is what we were hired to do T.B.H.

Hi i’m evan and i’m on blueprint’s dev team. i just finished watching / helping out with the game dev workshop taught by adam jenny sabrina and edward! i got to help out one person with their git repo so that was nice ;D. i also just ate lunch — we got al’s sandwiches which are pretty good! i had the roast beef w/ cheese. the bread was crunchy but the meat was a little chewy (6.8/10). janets a great director but she doesn’t let me get extra chocolates.

jenny (hi! i’m a crusty old hack alum who is teaching game dev this blueprint with the above) and sabrina taking over now! janet gave us the task of interviewing a couple of bp attendees so let’s hear some of their thoughts :O take it straight from them what bp is actually like:

  • “I liked the talk! We went to the Hack Club talk and it was funny but he still explained it well”
  • “It’s fun to meet new people”
  • “Looking forward to workshops and making a final project :D”
  • “The swag is top-tier!!!!!!!!!!!”
  • “Love the organization fair — it’s super cool to see what organizations there are and talking to them”
  • “The stickers are really cute” (guys marketing always pops off so hard)

now that we’ve heard some from of the students, let’s see what hack team members think! ft. mostly hack alums02 hackmit alumni, aka people who used to be on the organizing team but no longer :( i miss them all a lot and it was so sweet to see them all come back and visit!! oops

  • our fearless logs03 logistics leader dom: “it’s very fun! but chaotic – the tech talks are super funny and the memes keep coming”
  • hannaz: “food is good”
  • emily: “i feel really old” (it’s ok us too)
  • richard: “i love al’s cafe… prosciutto sandwich”
  • alison: “hardware is advanced”
  • teresa: “i can’t let them know i’m running on 4 hours of sleep” (mkt is so hardworking 🥹)

that’s enough from us old ppl. time hand off it off to some current members!

hi we’re srilekha and wendy and we’re fallabies (joined team this past fall) :))) we’re currently on butt-on-a-chair mode and i had too much caffeine and we’re psetting and i’m going insane :) we’ve just gone through the 5 stages of grief looking at a graph and came up with some amazing computer science theories

  1. how can we make a tree simpler and have less children? give it some birth control/practice abstinence
  2. breadth first search is simply an interpretive dance. why have a computer when you can perform it yourself
  3. please don’t ever ask us to write an adjacency list because we cant

we love sandwiches and blueprint :)

hi janet – sanjith (who can’t say anything else or else it would be [redacted])

now we’re going to pass it to our lovely SPRINGABIES YAYYY (ppl who joined this spring aka last week and have been super helpful even tho they have no idea whats going on!!)

hey chat, we’re david and audrey and we’re SPRINGABIES

^^ we just joined hack and we are here for the vibes. also psetting and locking in for midterms coming up :) food is good (flour pastry buffet <3 for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch), energy is good, team is slaying. word of advice: take 6.1200 on PNR freshman fall.

hiiii im dom and im the logistics head for blueprint!

i started the day bright and early at 7am at the stud (the student center) to help move all our merch, food, and hardware to stata. after two trips we brought 500 mandarins, 40 laptops, 3 boxes of crewnecks and a bajillion chip boxes

check in was wild – so many people came! it was a huge influx and we were all running around but once we got settled in, it was amazing!

the opening ceremony was slay, the workshops were amazing, and the tech talks were so funny and cool! currently at orgs fair right now with the team and talking to all the students is super fun

currently, am trading pokemon tcg with team though so you could say im taking a little break…

hi I’m kevin! I’m with shrey and gaurab
yo whats up blueprint is goated and team is very lit especially gaurab

Hiii I am gaurab and team is very lit especially Shrey!

The first day of Blueprint is now completed. I have to admit, liveblogging with a whole team is a little harder than we expected, but it was very fun! We can’t really give you the full details, but highlights include:

  • 200+ cups of boba, with support from TenOne Teahouse (yay)
  • this exact version of rat remy headbands 
  • trying to catch balloons that flew everywhere (rip)
  • lots of very expert art made by various members of team (will post tomorrow)
  • incredible workshops where everyone learned (including myself) and had a lot of fun

it was great. see you tomorrow!

hiiii dis joyce (crusty alum) and soo happy to see how the team this year baked up such a loaf-ly blueprint 🍞

Okay so apparently running a hackathon is really busy and difficult and so we actually didn’t get to write very much RIP. but Elena B. ’28 my goat did a write-up of the last few moments and she did a GREAT job so you can read this and pretend this was representative of like the entire hackathon day i guess

hi!! I’m Elena & I’m a springabie04 what we called our spring recruitment class this year. wondering why? i guess you'll never know unless you come to hack 😍!!

as a marketing kiddo I’ve gotta say the merch is actually THE cutiest. the theme this year is bakery, featuring the sweetest little mice 🐁 and foxes 🦊. all of the assets are absolutely adorbs <3
5:25pm, 5 mins to LOCKDOWN: we have found the best music to emulate the feelings we know everyone’s experiencing; the vivid tension of five minute to deadline; five minutes to absolute despair or to guaranteed victory. these five minutes determine their fate –– will the project run? will the bugs take over? has their two days of work been worth it, or will it come crashing down?
given this deep and complex experience, we’ve picked our soundtrack: Rainbow Road soundtrack from Mario Kart 🚗
Judging goes crazy. Students made a variety of incredibly impressive projects, and talked to numerous judges about their ideation process, collaboration, and final product. BP judges proceeded to spend SIXTY TENSE MINUTES debating the fates of the projects behind closed doors. The fight for the top is INTENSE 👀
Closing ceremony starts with a mike check. There was only one Mike 😔
Cutie prizes
🍌: spirit award, given to a team with amazing bagel puns in their project OMG ITSNJT JUST A BANANA. ITS A BANANA DUCK IN A CHEF HAT. if only i were a spirited hs student sigh
🍞 : toast lamp! for the meemiest meems
🎤 KARAOKE MACHINE from learnathon raffle
🍞 : toast pillow from mini challenges. as the wise Janet says, “we’re all toast”.
It’s Smartie prizes time! The tension in the room is palpable. Hundreds of participants packed in to the MPR, awaiting results 👀
Beginner 3rd: SmartRec; 2nd: Do no harm; 1st: Nothole, with a jumping robot!05 so we had two tracks, a beginner track for teams where the majority had not attended a hackathon before, and a general track. this didn't have much detail because we didn't say much detail, lol. oops that's my bad
As the wise Janet 06 not sure if i'd say this about myself but i appreciate the janet glazing throughout this blog tbh. what is even going on in this chaos blog says, “it’s not about the awards. It’s about the free food you ate along the way” (edited)
3rd place: AuraFlux –– about simulating geomagnetic storms, featuring a THREE DIMENSIONAL simulation with the earth, moon, and sun; with streams showing solar wind and heatmaps on the Earth of where you can see Auroras. OMG the graphics go CRAZY
2nd place; Fuse –– analyzes circuits to analyze what could go wrong with a circuit. It takes data from a custom trained model which identifies circuit components, and sends the results to an LLM, which then analyzes the circuit. Reads from images –– I could imagine this would’ve been incredibly useful when my breadboard was broken in 6.190307 an intro to c and low-level programming class lab
1st place: Rapid Relief Routing: omg these stars are standing right next to me to present their project. i feel like im in the aura of celebrities
Their program optimizes responder routes to provide the fastest relief to disasters. The algorithm is highly advanced since the problem is NP –– it makes local probabilistic optimizations. Integration with real maps, processing the map and turning it into a graph with houses as nodes and roads as edges, and the algorithm takes an input of how many responders are available. It also dynamically updates available paths based on NASA data regarding where wildfires are –– taking into account road blockages.
Guys, these projects are seriously seriously impressive. So impressive im capsing the starts of my sentences 😭
CONGRATS TO ALL THE WINNERS AND PARTICIPANTS and ofc the hack team, who made this crazy event come together.
🥳🥳🥳 see y’all next year!

So anyway, that was the hackathon. ish. this was extremely uninformative tbh but i hope you are at least now interested in what goes on at MIT blueprint! I might blog something else along with Teresa,08 fellow blogger and my marketing head for blueprint cycle <3 but honestly if you want to understand what actually goes on, you might just have to come to one of our actual events – Blueprint if you’re still eligible as a high schooler, and HackMIT if you’re an undergrad (or Adult tm looking to mentor/judge!)
I am a little exhausted. I think I slept around 12 hours this entire weekend. I might go and sleep 12 more now. See you later!
  1. HackMIT's annual high school learnathon and hackathon, where we spend a day teaching local-ish high schoolers about CS skills, and then spend another day supporting them to build projects in 9 hours back to text
  2. hackmit alumni, aka people who used to be on the organizing team but no longer :( i miss them all a lot and it was so sweet to see them all come back and visit!! back to text
  3. logistics back to text
  4. what we called our spring recruitment class this year. wondering why? i guess you'll never know unless you come to hack back to text
  5. so we had two tracks, a beginner track for teams where the majority had not attended a hackathon before, and a general track. this didn't have much detail because we didn't say much detail, lol. oops that's my bad back to text
  6. not sure if i'd say this about myself but i appreciate the janet glazing throughout this blog tbh. what is even going on in this chaos blog back to text
  7. an intro to c and low-level programming class back to text
  8. fellow blogger and my marketing head for blueprint cycle <3 back to text