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Please note:

The MIT Welcome Center will be closed December 23–January 1. Our office will be available by phone and email on December 23–24, and closed for the winter break from December 25–January 1. We will open on January 2. Happy holidays!

If you’re interested in MIT, you have to learn a little bit about psets.

Problem sets are the backbone of our teaching in many subjects; for many, problem-solving is the essence of the MIT education. Faculty vary as to the portion of course credit derived from psets. In some cases, the entire course is weighted towards exams so that psets are seen as a learning tool. In other courses, psets are a substantial portion of the final grade.

We can’t really describe psets at MIT—but our bloggers give it their best:

A love letter to P-sets Michael C, ’16 and Psets from hell Laura N, ’09

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