50 Things (That MIT Made) by Chris Peterson SM '13
Happy Friday!
Yes, that is an Oberlin College-produced parody of Rebecca Black. And yes, that is our former Communications Director Ben Jones costarring in it!
I’ve been working all week rewriting some web content for the site and my brain is a bit melty. So, as a bit of a break, in the spirit (but without the inspiration) of Ben’s big lists, and following up on Hamsika’s blog about the Boston Globe special feature on MIT and this Guardian article about inventor culture at MIT, here is the Boston Globe’s list of the top 50 “ideas, inventions and innovators that helped shape our world” and were associated with MIT.
Gillette Co. & the Disposable Razor
Wind tunnels (invented at MIT in 1896)
Radar detection/navigation (perfected at MIT durign WWII)
Texas Instruments (cofounded by Cecil Green ’24)
Kendall Square (w/ 130 high-tech tenants)
E*Trade, cofounded by MIT Sloan alum William Porter
Electrical, aeronautical, and nuclear engineering, all of which were pioneered at MIT
Modern urban design
The theory of cosmic inflation, developed by Professor Alan Guth ’69
Nuclear fission, pioneered by alumnus and Professor Manson Benedict
One Laptop Per Child
The Sloan Automotive Lab
PET Scans
Katharine McCormick – biologist, birth control pioneer, and the second woman to graduate from MIT
Robert Noyce ’53, cofounder of Intel & inventor of the microchip
Modern lithium-ion batteries
Modern oil prospecting
The first solar-powered house
Refined oil
iWalk bioprosthetics
Big Dog
HP, cofounded by William Hewlett ’36
The Executive MBA program at Sloan
The first public health school in the nation
The link between cancer and genetics
Reverse transcription, discovered by David Baltimore, founder of the MIT Whitehead Institute
Condensed soup
Technicolor (itself named after MIT!)
Inertial guidance systems for aircraft
RSA encryption
The first air-conditioned building
The “memex” – which helped inspire the Internet – conceived of by former MIT President Vannevar Bush ’16
Akamai, the content delivery network that handles 30% of the world’s Internet traffic
The Internet Archive, maintained by Brewster Kahle ’82
The spreadsheet, designed by Dan Bricklin ’73
E-ink, invented at the MIT Media Lab
Former MIT Professor and Nobel Laureate Salvador Luria
Ivan Getting ’33 was a primer developer of GPS
Bose Corporation, founded by MIT Professor Amar Bose
Ellen Swallow Richards, a public-sanitation and environmental chemistry expert and the first woman to graduate from MIT
iRobot, founded by MIT alumni Helen Greneir and Colin Angle
The first interactive minicomputer
Biogen, founded by Philip Sharp, MIT Professor (and a lot more!) since 1974
Email, invented by Ray Tomlinson ’65
Transistor radio, co-invented by William Shockley ’36
The Human Genome Project, for which MIT’s Whitehead Institute, led by Professor Eric Lander, sequenced the most genes
The World Wide Web, invented by MIT Professor Tim Berners-Lee
That’s a pretty epic list! What will you do to make it on the MIT 200 retrospective?
Whoaaa … well then it may not be wrong if i say that we live in a world given to us by MIT … IT’s impressive .. amazing .. dun hv words to describe it !!! ..
By the time I got to E-mail, I was wondering what could possibly top it. Incredible list, and I’m going to be on the next one!
A few nights ago, after reading too much books on cosmology and watching too much documentaries, I saw Prof. Guth in my dream. We walked and talked for a while. It’s such a great pity that I didn’t get in MIT! :((