a text convo on failure by Kanokwan T. '25
and other stuff i guess
My friend Miguel T. ’25 and I were texting about random stuff this morning, and failure came up. I thought to share some excerpts with you.
2:46 AM
Where is sunrise01 im hosting a sunrise watch party as part of my birthday festivities. <a href="https://mitadmissions.org/blogs/entry/i-watched-the-sunrise-this-morning/">i love sunrises</a> lol happening?
7 terrace
❤️ to “ 7 terrace ”
Do you want me to wake you if you’re not up lol
(okay if not, just thought to offer)
I’ll probably be awake still lmao
It’s probably fineeee
Lmfao same
I think I’m not going back to bed
I had a weird series of naps
What are you up for?
Ah I see
Writing a bunch of MISTI02 the mit global experience/travel abroad program essays and stuff
Nothing serious just chilling and working
This last week has been insane so I’m just now catching up on life and other tasks
This is for summer
I’m in the IAP program
At least for now
Lol guess

❤️ to a photo
That’s what it feels like
I need a break 😭😭😭
005 and that’s it
Watch me fail again05 both of us failed 2.005: Thermal-Fluids Engineering (a class) last semester. long story that i dont feel like telling in full right now. tldr: it was just SO frustrating feeling like i knew the content and consistently demonstrated that i did, but that understanding was not being reflected in my final grade. i had literally never failed a class nor scored this low in my entire life. this class is also notorious for failing students and having them retake it.
That is a good idea
I haven’t attended lecture in a long time
I’m gonna grind catch up these next few days
Then hard practice test vibes next week
👍 to “ Me too but like we have the [lectures from last semseter] burned into our brains ”
👍 to “ [We] deserved to pass that class [last semester]”
😭 to “ Not the best coping mechanism but it is unquestionably effective to glamorize my failings lmfao ”
That’s cool
👍 to “ I mean and I mostly do it because I know others go through it too but they feel like they fail alone ”
I was also in that boat
I saw a similar essay once
It was nice
👍 to “ Man I cried over those ”
Yeah same lol
P.S. Flipping Failure is a good hub of failure stories. I watch some every now and then when I’m feeling down, and they help.
- im hosting a sunrise watch party as part of my birthday festivities. i love sunrises lol back to text ↑
- the mit global experience/travel abroad program back to text ↑
- i knew he was already doing misti for iap (our january month off) so i was confused on why he was applying for another misti. turns out, miguel is thinking of misti also for the summer back to text ↑
- hes going to japan okay back to text ↑
- both of us failed 2.005: Thermal-Fluids Engineering (a class) last semester. long story that i dont feel like telling in full right now. tldr: it was just SO frustrating feeling like i knew the content and consistently demonstrated that i did, but that understanding was not being reflected in my final grade. i had literally never failed a class nor scored this low in my entire life. this class is also notorious for failing students and having them retake it. back to text ↑
- one of my favorite vonnegut-isms back to text ↑