A Year at MIT, by the Numbers by Ankita D. '23
quantifying my MIT experience
Time flies.
Today is August 6th, 2020.
It’s been 143 days since I had to leave MIT.
I spent around 190 days at MIT. 185 of those days were as a member of my living community, the Burton Third Bombers.
I had somewhere upwards of 170 hours of dance practice with my team, Mocha Moves.01 we meet 3 times a week for 2 hours during the semester and like 20 hours a week during IAP to prepare for our annual show...those hours stack UP 190 if I include Dance Troupe practices.02 only one hour a week kinda slaps
I put 29 REX03 freshman residential exploratory events in my Google Calendar. I actually went to 4 of these; the rest were unplanned, as the best things often are. If I hadn’t gone to my living community’s first event on a whim, I wouldn’t have joined the floor and met the 12 other sophomores who are now my closest friends at MIT. Wild.
I submitted a pset within five minutes of the deadline twice. Only twice, I swear!
I went to [REDACTED] lectures. (lmaooooo jk i’m a great student)
I had 34 exams/quizzes.
I performed at dance showcases or competitions 16 times.
I choreographed three dances. I attended seven dance workshops, one of which I taught!04 Dance Troupe does finals week workshops, which are super chill opportunities for people to try choreographing. teaching is so much fun so i'm really glad i did it
I got food or coffee with people 23 times. Should’ve been more :'(
I went to Chinatown for dim sum twice.
I speed-walked to five Banana Lounge05 the lounge near 26-100 (a big ol' lecture hall) with an endless supply of bananas events for free Georgetown Cupcakes.
I ordered Beantown06 the only place open past midnight. we are all slaves to beantown after 2 am six times.
I went to Beantown after 2 am eight times. Jeez.
I stuffed myself until I was nauseous at Yamato’s07 all you can eat sushi place that's a 20-ish minute walk away from MIT thrice.
I ordered Cafe 47208 a great place for frozen yogurt or calzones on Commonwealth Ave calzones and ate them all in one sitting and HATED myself five times.
I attended 14 exec team meetings for various clubs/organizations/dorm governments.
I went to four Roadkill Buffet09 MIT's improv comedy troupe shows.
I went to nine family dinners at the Rainbow Lounge.10 LGBT lounge
I dressed fancy and attended three formals: Bombergiving, a Thanksgiving formal my floor throws, Mocha Formal, in which Mocha Moves meets in the McCormick11 the all-girls dorm Penthouse to brainstorm ideas for our show in February, and Bomber Formal, which was held in the last week before we were all kicked out.
I took six technicals and three HASS classes.
I dropped two classes. And also my freshman seminar. Oops!
I took three PE classes—ballroom dancing, yoga, and cardio drumming.
I went to 23(rd) Bomber events. Parties, barbecues, beaches, camping trips, formals, miscellaneous floor traditions, you name it.
I went to 3 Class of 2023 events. One was a tunnel hunt and it was a ton of fun; plus, we got free Roxy’s grilled cheeses at the end.
I had close encounters with mice…uh, many times. Mice are great, though.
I had weird breakdowns at MIT Medical three times. Oh, man. Yeah, not my greatest moments of MIT.
I set off the fire alarms 0 times!!! Truly a miracle, considering how much I cook/how stupid I am sometimes.
I built a snowman on Briggs Field once.
I ate three bowls of liquid nitrogen ice cream.
I had four MISTI interviews. One for Israel, one for CETI, one for MEET, and one for Japan. I applied to the first three programs and got into Israel/MEET, but never got to go to Israel, unfortunately.
I made PNR12 pass no record my excuse to do something countless times :)
I tried, disliked, and dropped two UROPs.
I slept through 10 am Chinese classes during Spring semester 9 times. Only after we started school online, though…I’d never miss a class if it were IRL.
I explored Boston with my friends this summer dozens of times.
School starts in 21 days.
Time flies.

me and two friends on killian during quarantine
- we meet 3 times a week for 2 hours during the semester and like 20 hours a week during IAP to prepare for our annual show...those hours stack UP back to text ↑
- only one hour a week kinda slaps back to text ↑
- freshman residential exploratory back to text ↑
- Dance Troupe does finals week workshops, which are super chill opportunities for people to try choreographing. teaching is so much fun so i'm really glad i did it back to text ↑
- the lounge near 26-100 (a big ol' lecture hall) with an endless supply of bananas back to text ↑
- the only place open past midnight. we are all slaves to beantown back to text ↑
- all you can eat sushi place that's a 20-ish minute walk away from MIT back to text ↑
- a great place for frozen yogurt or calzones on Commonwealth Ave back to text ↑
- MIT's improv comedy troupe back to text ↑
- LGBT lounge back to text ↑
- the all-girls dorm back to text ↑
- pass no record back to text ↑