Beta CPW by Kevin S. '19
laser mazes and deep frying
Ever wonder what a deep fried McChicken would taste like? How about deep fried Bertucci’s Pizza? We will have a selection of the finest local food, battered and deep fried (double deep fried fries?!?). Some regular food will be available for people who want functioning arteries.
This read our inaugural Deep Fried Taste of Kenmore Square event hosted by my fraternity, Beta Theta Pi, during CPW last weekend. Here are some photos to attest to just how terrifying delicious re-deep-frying deep-fried food is:
The day before we also hosted a board games and milkshakes night. The day before that we invited the early pre-frosh arrivals to a welding event at our machine shop. Saturday night we put on our signature CPW Laser Maze event, one year better. Inspiration? Mission: Impossible. One of our brothers designed all the circuits from the ground up, and got help from other Course 6’s and 2’s to build out the circuitry piece by piece.
Both my roommate and I hosted prefroshes, and we both enjoyed getting to know them and showing them around campus, our school, our home. Nick M., my roommate’s prefrosh, took some amazing shots of campus that he offered to share:
Hope to see you both — and the rest of y’all — on campus this fall!