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A head-and-shoulders illustrated portrait of Emiko. She has light skin, and long wavy brown hair. She is wearing a necklace and a dark tank top.

a house tour of mit sororities! by Emiko P. '25

meet aphi, axo, and theta

Welcome to a tour of three MIT sorority houses! Believe it or not, sorority life is a thriving community here at MIT, with about ⅓ of undergraduate women being affiliated to one of the six sororities.01 the six sororities include: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Phi, Delta Phi Epsilon, Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Phi, and Sigma Kappa If you’re interested, I’ve also talked a bit in the past about what the sorority recruitment and experience is like, which you can read here.

Because a lot of us spend so much time hanging out at our respective sorority houses, I was thinking that I’d take you all on a tour of a few of them!

Alpha Phi

We’re going to start our tour at Alpha Phi, which has been my own personal home for the past three years. Our tour guide, Maddie L. ‘26, is a junior who also happens to be my little, and she’s going to show us around the house.

Aphi House Quick Facts

  • House nickname: Phi Hive
  • Location: off campus (Back Bay)
  • Inhabitants: 60
  • Floors: 5
  • Singles: 1
  • Doubles: 9
  • Triples: 11
  • Quads: 2
  • Kitchens: 1

Alpha Chi Omega

Right across the street from Aphi is AXO, so let’s head over there and meet up with our next tour guide: Natalie B. ‘25!! Natalie is every parent’s dream: a pre-med and a computer science major and an entrepreneur.02 go buy her crocheted whales RIGHT NOW Let’s go on in!


AXO House Quick Facts

  • House nickname: The Ohm
  • Location: off campus (Back Bay)
  • Inhabitants: 25
  • Floors: 4
  • Singles: 5
  • Doubles: 3
  • Triples: 2
  • Quads: 2
  • Kitchens: 1

Kappa Alpha Theta

Now that we’ve finished up touring houses on the Boston side, it’s time to cross the bridge and head to campus to visit our final house: Theta! Here to show us around is our next tour guide and good friend: Nikki E. ‘25.

Theta House Quick Facts

  • House nickname: Mama Green
  • Location: on campus
  • Inhabitants: 40
  • Floors: 4
  • Singles: 26
  • Doubles: 7
  • Kitchens: 5

I hope you enjoyed this tour of a few of our sorority houses here at MIT. Thanks for coming along!

  1. the six sororities include: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Phi, Delta Phi Epsilon, Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Phi, and Sigma Kappa back to text
  2. go buy her crocheted whales RIGHT NOW back to text