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Deferred by Decisions

Open thread for deferred students.

In the near future, we’ll have some advice here on the blogs for students who have been deferred. In the meantime, feel free to use this forum to chat.

100 responses to “Deferred”

  1. Sam ('13?) says:

    Unfortunately, deferred. But there’s still RA, hopefully.

  2. Ian says:

    Deferred, too bad

  3. Drew says:

    Woop deferred

  4. Anonymous says:

    Now I have to do more apps :(

  5. Colton says:

    Okay, now I’m stressed.

  6. Matt A. says:

    Yippee!! More waiting!!!

  7. Izzy says:

    Yeah, that’s me!!

  8. Rebeca says:

    Oh boy. We get to do this all over again in March! -_-

  9. Giroux says:

    S’all good, these things happen.

  10. Tyler A says:

    Gotta love the college system. Someone that doesn’t know you gets to read a paper you wrote, a couple things you did, and make a life-changing decision for you. Yeah, like any of us that get deferred will get in at RA. Well, thanks to being a Caucasian male from the Midwest, my hopes and dreams are now shattered. AWESOME!

  11. Anon says:

    Now I’ll still have all those annoying people asking me where I’m going.

  12. Anonymous says:

    not bad, at least i’m relieved for now!

  13. Mitch says:

    I thought I’d get deferred. See y’all back in March (Now I have to actually do my other applications)

  14. yo says:

    aghh frustration.
    how nice acceptance would have been
    all that for a sad little letter

  15. Hey guys let’s go! Lot of work lying ahead – many more applications to finish, and many more essays to write! Work is just waiting to be done! smile Such a joy…

    If (you think this is sarcastic)
    laugh -> “Ha Ha Ha”;
    get to work;

  16. Eric '12 says:

    @ Tyler A

    I’m a Caucasion male from the Midwest who got deferred last year and then accepted RA. Have hope my friend.

  17. Tyler A says:

    How do you guys have more apps to do? Every college I know of has already had their deadline pass. . .

  18. anonymous says:

    all I can say is thank you guys for making this a tolerable road… and I expect all of you witty and interesting people to ensure my sanity when decision #2 time rolls around! the old waiting game again…
    Just think – only 3 months left! haha… that really isn’t funny, is it?…

  19. Jamo G says:

    Can I send in more supplementary material? I have plenty more inventions I can and will gladly submit.

  20. hamsi says:

    i feel so sad and empty right now…

  21. Molly H. says:

    Tyler A- A lot of Regular Decision deadlines aren’t until January (1/1, 1/2, 1/10…).

  22. Anonymous says:

    Haha, this is too nerve-wracking.

  23. Kasey says:

    3 more months…
    oh well, it could be worse.

  24. Tsornin says:

    Well…that’s that, then.

  25. Kevin says:

    When it says:

    “The Admissions Committee has completed its review of your application and I am very sorry to tell you that we are unable to offer you admission to MIT.”

    that means you’re deferred, right?

  26. Random '12 says:

    Don’t be so immature, Tyler. Lots of people who got deferred will be admitted RA, including yours truly.

  27. Tyler A says:

    Molly H- What colleges? I might need to be applying to some of these, if they’re good engineering schools raspberry

  28. Merritt B says:

    Argh, now I both have to wait and finish the rest of my apps. Good luck to everyone in RA!

  29. Kevin '12 says:

    I’m another current freshmen who got deferred but ultimately accepted. To those who are frantically scrambling to send in more materials to try to improve their odds: I didn’t, and I got in regular action. It certainly isn’t necessary.

  30. glass half full guys, not half empty. this is why we applied early – we get two shots at admission, not one!

  31. Matt A. says:

    No, sorry to say it, but that’s a denial.

  32. Adam U says:

    Kevin unfortunately that means you were denied. The deferred letter begins as such “We have completed our Early Action review of your application and have chosen to defer it to our Regular Action review time.”

  33. Brandon says:

    I was deferred as well. :
    Crap, now I gotta wait another 3 months, AND fill out all the rest of my college apps. GAH!

  34. AllisonAWE says:

    Ah, well. We’ve all tried our best so far, and there’s still a chance for each of us. Best of luck on this one and all the other applications.

    Now, I’m off to write a strongly-worded letter to Stuart Schmitt… just kidding. It would be a very good letter, though, considering I’m strongest in the humanities. Darn.

  35. Kelly says:

    Better start working on my RA applications.

  36. I have joined the “deferred club.” 3 Months to wait for RD!!

  37. Anonymous says:

    so can we change stuff on our early app before the regular application deadline?

  38. Jereme K says:

    Uh oh, hopefully Tyler won’t fill the white midwest male quota… I’m still hopefull for RA; hopefully with the extra time to read my application, it will become more apparent that I am a great applicant smile.

  39. Stephen says:

    Don’t worry, we’re not out of the game yet. See you around in March.

  40. Anonymous says:

    UGH. One of the reasons I applied EA is bc i wanted a decision on december -.- … well, i probably should not complain….

  41. Peter says:

    Dang it, this sucks… trying to stay positive but it’s freakin’ hard

  42. Dane says:

    Deferred, unfortunately. Still, not giving up yet. I wasn’t rejected, so I still might get in. Not giving up until there’s absolutely no hope. Have to make sure my mid-year grade report is good. My grades were the weakest part of my application, so showing that I (finally) got it together might help.

    Anyway, good luck to everyone else. Don’t fall into despair, because there’s still a chance. I’m still hoping to see at least some of you next year.

  43. James W says:

    To think that month and a half was painful…

  44. pcb says:

    guess i have to do all of my other apps :(

  45. Ryan says:

    It’s sad that so many people sound so bitter about being deferred. Look at it this way: it could be worse. At least it’s one less application to finish before January!

  46. Taylor says:

    uggh I wish I could tell people for sure where I’m going to college…4 more months of ridiculous people you don’t even know incessantly prying and reminding you of your failure…fun!

  47. Tyler A says:

    @Everyone that now hates me: sorry, I’m just angry atm, I thought I actually had a shot here with my credentials :(

  48. Alissa says:

    Oh come on you guys, there’s still hope. We weren’t denied or accepted, but we still get a chance in the spring. Keep up the wishful thinking!

  49. Brittany says:

    Deferred. I must admit, though I am dissapointed, at least this means I was given *serious* consideration at M:I:T. That makes me feel a little bit better. :
    Does anyone have the stats for about how many students deferred get accepted in RegAction?

  50. Melanie says:

    I feel slightly relieved – a deferral is not necessarily bad. I am going to try to stay positive. =]

  51. Alex says:

    So relieved right now, I’ve been shaking for the past three days waiting for this. Guess its happening again in March.

    At least I have some more supplementary stuff I can send in now that I didn’t have back in October…

  52. Kelsey says:

    Deferral is good, guys! It’s certainly no rejection. We just have to wait a little longer smile

  53. Anon says:

    It’s not the decision, its all of the people asking where you are going and you can’t answer them without a paragraph to explain the possibilities. At least its not denied, but in some ways denial would get it over with quicker. Now we’ve got to man up and deal with all of this crap for even longer. Considering I’m the only one in my school to even have considered applying in the last ten years, I’ve come to the decision that we’re not all born lucky, and even though we take the most challenging workload the school offers, a crappy school will get you nowhere in life.

  54. Calvin says:

    Deferred. Not a huge surprise. Just more waiting like everyone else. Could be worse…

  55. Daniel says:

    i guess, it’s for the best. we’ll just have to see what happens later.

  56. Jen says:

    I really don’t know how to feel right now! haha

  57. Anonymous says:

    WTF my sister has a perfect SAT score, perfect GPA, she is valedictorian of her school, and she is honestly the most intelligent person I know. She’s really cool, she’s a really good person…Man, MIT. I don’t know what to say. Fail. So. Much. Fail. Whatever. It’s okay. It’s your loss when she goes to Harvard.

    It’s okay, you guys. You deserved to get in. MIT admissions officers just fail so much.

  58. Tyler A says:

    Just reposting these on this page (these are from the class of ’12):

    Applicants 3,925
    Admitted 522
    Deferred to regular action 2,903
    Deferred applicants admitted during regular action 279

  59. Taylor says:

    I was deferred, but I thought I’d be rejected because I didn’t take all the required tests…I never took a science SAT subject test haha…what does this mean?? perhaps I’m so badass they decided to overlook that little detail…here’s to wishful thinking.

  60. Anonymous says:

    WTF my sister has a perfect SAT score, perfect GPA, she is valedictorian of her school, and she is honestly the most intelligent person I know. She’s really cool, she’s a really good person…Man, MIT. I don’t know what to say. Fail. So. Much. Fail. Whatever. It’s okay. It’s your loss when she goes to Harvard.

    It’s okay, you guys. You deserved to get in. MIT admissions officers just fail so much.

  61. Colton says:

    Brittany: It appears to be around 10% last year. However, with more applicants this year, it will probably be a good bit less.

  62. dude guy says:

    Don’t worry, guys! The failboat is still floating; we’re all in this together!

  63. dude guy says:

    Don’t worry, guys! The failboat is still floating; we’re all in this together!

  64. Darlene says:

    Oh man, deferred. Hugs all around! Good luck to all when Regular Action decisions come out! smile

  65. Coleen says:

    This is just the beginning of our journey, I think of it as a time to see what I really want and know that whatever happens is meant to be.

    Just to know that MIT would actually take time to consider me not only once, but twice is a great honor. Thanks MIT!

  66. argh. this is sad and frustrating. great. three months. woohoo this will be one heck of a party road. good luck to us all (again).

  67. argh. this is sad and frustrating. great. three months. woohoo this will be one heck of a party road. good luck to us all (again).

  68. Anon says:

    That’s definitely not the admissions officers’ fault. What would you do if you had to decide among so many qualified students?

  69. Ahmed says:

    Last year, 279 out of 2,903 deferred applicants were admitted during regular action. That’s not exactly chump change. I was one of those deferred-then-accepted! Don’t give up!

  70. Daniel S says:

    I wish to join the ranks of the Midwest while male hopefuls, it certainly seems like there are a few of us sitting in the deferred pool.

    Best of luck to us all, and I hope to see you at Freshman orientation in Cambridge.

  71. Megan says:

    Okay so it’s me, the anon. person who was pretty immature…Sorry…Everyone’s being so chill and I’m ready to beat an admissions officer’s head in, lol. My sister’s taking it really well. She just doesn’t want to do all the extra work of filling out more apps. Good luck to everybody here!

  72. Tyler A says:





  73. Allen says:

    Poop oh well, good luck everyone a few months later!
    Kind of relieved I wasn’t rejected raspberry

  74. yo says:

    no tubes…

  75. Anonymous says:

    deferred…yay, more waiting! lol.

  76. Mike '12 says:

    Same as Ahmed, keep your chin up. :D

  77. Anonymous says:

    I feel so empty right now… How many kids got in early action?

  78. Taylor says:

    @ Anon

    I completely know how you feel. I’m in a crummy school in rural Kansas with 300 kids, excelling in the most challenging classes available, and it will get me nowhere in life.

  79. Zach says:

    so many deferrals…

  80. '12 says:

    aww don’t worry
    Your application will definitely be looked at again
    I know a couple of people who were initially deferred from schools and then got accepted later.
    That said, send the rest of your applications out (and not only to schools of lower caliber than MIT)
    Don’t let this discourage you AT ALL
    b/c of the economy and the incredibly high number of applications most schools were super cautious about EA this year, so don’t think badly about yourself
    Just send the rest of your applications out, maybe if something cool has happened since nov 1 send that to MIT and then sit tight and ENJOY your winter break
    it’ll be ok smile

  81. Peter says:

    279 Early Action Applicants who got Deferred were admitted last year under RA. Out of 2903 EA Applicants considered under RA, that’s an admittance rate of 10%. Let me say that again:

    1 out of every 10 of us still has a shot.

    This is NOT the end. There’s still a 10% chance you will be accepted. Hang in there everyone- I hope to see at least 300 of you, including myself, next semester in Cambridge!

  82. hadlz'12 says:

    To everyone that thinks they won’t make it: chin up. I got in off the effing waitlist… and if I could do that I’m sure you have a shot at RA.

  83. Cooper says:

    At least it’s not rejection! There is still hope!

    And i really didn’t want to do these other applications…

  84. Brittany says:

    @Colton and Tyler

    Thanks for the stats guys!! smile
    Things are looking up?? :—–
    AUTHOR: Melanie
    EMAIL: [email protected]
    DATE: 12/15/2008 09:24:17 PM
    I was just looking at the statisics on the MIT Admissions site and it looks like 10% of last year’s deferred students were admitted regular decision and deferred students made up about 18% of the freshman class overall. Not bad. Everyone still has a shot – good luck in March!

  85. Melanie says:

    I was just looking at the statisics on the MIT Admissions site and it looks like 10% of last year’s deferred students were admitted regular decision and deferred students made up about 18% of the freshman class overall. Not bad. Everyone still has a shot – good luck in March!

  86. ngolshan says:

    What happens to a dream deferred?
    Does it dry up
    Like a raisin in the sun?
    Or fester like a sore–
    And then run?
    Does it stink like rotten meat?
    Or crust and sugar over–
    like a syrupy sweet?
    Maybe it just sags
    like a heavy load.
    Or does it explode?
    -Langston Hughes

  87. Corey says:

    Should I submit additional materials? Will it hurt me if I do?

  88. Anonymous says:

    Hang in there all of you

  89. Anonymous says:

    I’m not upset about this. It’s better than getting sorted into the “not accepted” category. However, I’m not particularly looking forward to getting on for another emotional roller coaster ride. I suppose getting rejected during regular action wouldn’t be too horrible. Yes, I greatly desire to attend MIT, but the alternative isn’t too horrid. MIT won’t give me credit for my associate’s degree and attending a state university means that I’m out in two years and will be making a difference in Cytogenetics at the Mayo Clinic. smile

  90. Tyler A says:

    @Brittany–Considering I’m laughing maniacally now, I’d say yes (god that was GREAT timing)

    Also, stop posting as Anonymous, it feels like 4chan *shivers*

  91. Adam U says:

    Good luck everyone. I dont know whether its an honor to be considered again or just bad luck. Or both.. I wonder if admissions boards decide to defer applicants or if they pick a whole lot of people to accept, choose a few of them to accept early and defer the rest.

  92. Anonymous says:

    He was found by the Bureau of Statistics to be
    One against whom there was no official complaint,
    And all the reports on his conduct agree
    That, in the modern sense of an old-fashioned word, he was a
    For in everything he did he served the Greater Community.
    Except for the War till the day he retired
    He worked in a factory and never got fired,
    But satisfied his employers, Fudge Motors Inc.
    Yet he wasn’t a scab or odd in his views,
    For his Union reports that he paid his dues,
    (Our report on his Union shows it was sound)
    And our Social Psychology workers found
    That he was popular with his mates and liked a drink.
    The Press are convinced that he bought a paper every day
    And that his reactions to advertisements were normal in every way.
    Policies taken out in his name prove that he was fully insured,
    And his Health-card shows he was once in hospital but left it cured.
    Both Producers Research and High-Grade Living declare
    He was fully sensible to the advantages of the Instalment Plan
    And had everything necessary to the Modern Man,
    A phonograph, a radio, a car and a frigidaire.
    Our researchers into Public Opinion are content
    That he held the proper opinions for the time of year;
    When there was peace, he was for peace: when there was war, he went.
    He was married and added five children to the population,
    Which our Eugenist says was the right number for a parent of his
    And our teachers report that he never interfered with their
    Was he free? Was he happy? The question is absurd:
    Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard.
    -W.H. Auden
    We’re all under appreciated.