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An illustration of Allison's profile. She has light skin, shoulder-length wavy brown hair and is wearing a striped maroon shirt with a necklace.




As the blogs’ resident snow enthusiast, I consider it my sacred duty to announce the FIRST(ish)01 i.e. the first one where snow actually collected on the ground and that I was awake for LOL SNOW OF THE YEAR!! (several days late)

We’ve been getting occasional “it MiGhT snow… mAyBe” messages from the cryptic weather machine, and even got a very melty dusting a couple days ago. Fortunately, however, snow with staying power chose a weekend to finally arrive :D

Even more ironically, the snow chose to arrive during the middle of B202 my floor/living community ’s notably tropical-themed floormal party. With a giant beach poster covering one wall, tropical imagery displayed on the TV, a large quantity of fake lei, and half the attendees dressed in shorts and aloha shirts, we were… rather ill-prepared for the snowfall.

Nevertheless, we persevered!! In whatever combination of short sleeves, short shorts, and open-toed shoes, we streamed outside, caught snowflakes in our mouths, threw some snowballs at each other, and quickly scurried back into the warmth of the dorm.

But of course, the story doesn’t end here. As snow began to actually build up on the sidewalk, I went to find some of my friends upstairs, changed into more cold-appropriate clothes, and we went outside!!!


Of course, I had to make an obligatory snow angel:

snow angel on the sidewalk

once again, insults aimed at my snow angel will not be permitted

By this time, it was 1:30 am, and we had work to do. But sometimes, side quests must be sidequested: it was time to build a snowman.

Now, as you probably noticed, there really wasn’t that much snow on the ground. Luckily, the snow was sticky03 probably because it was relatively warm and humid outside–the snowflakes were just melty enough to be conducive to snowman-building hehe , and Ojas G. ’27 and I were persistent. Starting from small seeds, we systematically cleared several sidewalk sections to create our snowballs. We stacked the balls, reinforced the connection points, collected two arm sticks, retrieved one of the B2 fake lei, poked holes in the head for sunglasses, and used two Hershey’s kisses donated by passerbys as buttons. We added a sign for the final touch, and…


Anyways, that took an hour and a half, and we had to get back to work, so we went back inside and psetted until various times (between 5:00 am and 10:00 am). The final stretch before the semester ends can do… things… to your sleep schedule. Also it was the weekend, and as Ojas noted, “the time spent building the snowman has come directly out of my sleep and potentially my grades but it was 100% worth it.”

The next day was, unfortunately, quite warm (high of 48F), and when I left our dorm that morning, our poor snowman had not fared well… His death will be avenged, the next time it snows >:(

melted snowman in front of dorm

rip snowman :(

  1. i.e. the first one where snow actually collected on the ground and that I was awake for LOL back to text
  2. my floor/living community back to text
  3. probably because it was relatively warm and humid outside–the snowflakes were just melty enough to be conducive to snowman-building hehe back to text