happy LFDOC! by Emiko P. '25
my last semester of undergrad :)
Today marks my last first day of classes (LFDOC!) as an undergrad at MIT. This semester feels particularly special for a number of reasons. Namely:
- It’s my very last semester (still trying to wrap my head around this)
- I have already completed every requirement to graduate (except the swim test lol)
- For the first time, I have no mandatory soccer requirements
Because of these unique facts, which have not been present in any of my other 7 semesters, this semester is one that I can do whatever I want with.
So, here are some thoughts swirling in my brain that I want to document, especially because I am lucky to have more-than-the-usual amount of freedom this semester. It’ll be fun to reflect on how I thought it was going to go versus how it actually went when it’s all said and done. Maybe you should also write something like this and reflect when the school year is over!
Blog once a week. This is a crazy goal, but I think it’s achievable because I have a lot more I still want to share with you all.
Try new forms of athletics.
- Yoga. I’ve been getting into this a bit more this IAP. I’ve liked the feeling of stretching my body while simultaneously strengthening it. I want to explore the feeling of exercising without the pressure of pushing myself to be better and better.
- Dance. I kind of want to try out for Dance Troupe??!! I think DT would be a groovy way to work out.
Soccer. Even though I won’t play another official college soccer game, my time with the team is not over yet. We have many more games of pickup, lifts, and spring scrimmages this semester, and it’s been nice to remember that there is always more soccer to be played :)
Side quests. I want to explore and embrace spontaneity with my friends, like going to Celtics games, exploring a new part of Beacon Hill, leaving Boston for a little weekend trip in New York or New Hampshire, getting tickets to a last-minute concert, etc.
Being present. I keep thinking about the future so dang much. Where will I travel this summer? How will I navigate my life in Japan01 I’ll give an update on this eventually ;) 7 months from now? What do I want my career to look like? It’s good to plant seeds to prepare for those moments and it’s also fun to muse about them, but I want to make sure I enjoy how awesome life is right now!02 To do this, I’ve started trying mindfulness and meditation stuff over IAP. I used to think these techniques were lowkey useless and dull, but I’ve actually noticed they help me regulate my emotions a bit better.
Classes. I have no more requirements to graduate, so I am taking the following classes out of pure interest, which is a luxury I’ve never fully had before!
- 2.679: Electronics for Mechanical Systems II
- 6.9130: Engineering Leadership Lab
- 15.3901: Entrepreneurship 101: Systematic Approach to New Venture Creation
- 16.S090: Introduction to Numerical Analysis
- 21W.766: Writing Fantasy
I’m really looking forward to this last semester – diving into new topics and interests, spending time with my friends, working out in new and old ways, and basically just living it up. Happy LFDOC to my fellow seniors!!! :)
- I’ll give an update on this eventually ;) back to text ↑
- To do this, I’ve started trying mindfulness and meditation stuff over IAP. I used to think these techniques were lowkey useless and dull, but I’ve actually noticed they help me regulate my emotions a bit better. back to text ↑