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MIT student blogger Anna H. '14

I’m laughing out loud by Anna H. '14

cheek. muscles. cramping.

It’s pre-finals week. Today is the last day of classes. Projects are due, one of my friends slept for one hour last night, I have to submit a paper draft to my research advisor tonight, I e-mailed a paper to my music professor last night, and frankly everyone is just counting down the minutes until the day is over.

For me, laughter is the best therapy (fortunately, it really doesn’t take much to make me laugh hysterically). On the off-chance that it will also be therapeutic to you, here are a few things that have made me laugh over the past few days. Brace yourself for insight into my sense of humor:

1) This article.

2) My bff Sam B. ’14’s post on my Facebook wall, linking me to the first trailer for Sherlock Season 3 (EEEEEEE!!!!) and saying “Forget science. I’m dropping out to be a Benedict Cumberbatch fangirl.”

Sam is a brilliant physicist so cross your fingers that Sherlock Season 3 is really bad.

3) This blog post, which I re-read in order to answer an e-mail. Hysterical:

– the line “I can’t type endless text into my essays what’s happening PLEASE HALP”

– rfong’s 180-word fanfiction about m_quinn in the comments section

– m_quinn’s assertion that Chris Peterson might be “bashful” about something. Anything.

4) An invitation I received from my bff Cam T. ’13, for his upcoming apartment-warming party. It read:

“The Hodge Podge Lodge presents: Apartment | Warming

100% more chest hair.
“Real people” / four grown man-children.
Other people from who knows where
Furniture by IKEA”

I met Cam during blogger orientation my freshman year :) he drove me to IKEA so that I could get some furniture. Also, while we’re at it, Cam’s first blog post makes me laugh every time I read it.

5) This article.

6) This video.

7) A series of e-mails from my bff Sophie W. ’14. Background: at the end of each semester, MIT undergraduates are flooded by e-mails reminding us to fill out subject evaluations. In the spring, Sophie forwarded the following e-mail to me:

From: [email protected] [[email protected]]
Subject: on line course evaluations

You are receiving this because you have not yet done your on line course eval for 9.00.

Please take a moment to do this.

and wrote:

I. Hate. These. Emails.

Any motivation I have to fill out subject evaluations before the last minutes decreases exponentially when I receive something like this.

A couple of days ago, Sophie forwarded the following e-mail to me:

From: UA Committee on Education [[email protected]]
Subject: Please complete online subject evaluations

Dear Fellow Student,

I am writing to remind you that you have until Monday, December 16 at 9 AM to complete your evaluations. And, I know you?ll be pleased to hear that this term, most departments are using a new, SHORT set of universally relevant questions.


It only takes 3-5 minutes to complete a subject evaluation and it?s a great way to contribute to curricular improvements at MIT. Your constructive comments, in particular, will have an impact. Please consider both the aspects of the subject that you liked and those you think could be improved when filling out your surveys.

The evaluation system is supported by a team from the Office of Faculty Support, the Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Education, and Information Services and Technology, with advice from the UA Committee on Education.

If you have any questions, please contact the project team at [email protected].

Thank you,
Chair, UA Committee on Education

with the message:


I hate this time of year.

It’s comforting to know that through all the vicissitudes of life, the ebbs and flows, the comings and goings and the stresses and dramatic changes and mood swings and changes in extracurricular commitments and global warming slowly destroying our planet — Sophie will always find subject evaluation e-mail reminders really, really annoying.


8) Finally, this isn’t funny at all, but for your continued entertainment here is a picture of a baby ocelot held by my boyfriend: