Listen to “MIT Is…” with Cynthia F. ‘18 by Chris Peterson SM '13
on the MIT Trashion Show, escaping the MIT bubble, and UROPing at the Media Lab
A few weeks ago, I posted our inaugural audio thing where I talked with Holly, who works on our communications team, about applicatons, art, and action team. As I said then, we had been (and still are) kicking around the idea of an audio thing for awhile, and decided to give it a shot.
One of the people we’d been kicking it around with is Kellen Manning, the communications coordinator for MIT Student Life and erstwhile guestblogger. Kellen works with MIT students to run the @MITStudents accounts on Twitter, Instagram, and tumblr, among others. You can think (as I do) of @MITstudents as being complementary to the blogs: whereas we hire a few students, typically as a freshman, and follow them through all four years as they develop at MIT, Kellen recruits students to take over these accounts for a week at a time, to give followers many different viewpoints into life at MIT. And, around the same time we started thinking seriously about trying an audio thing, so did Kellen.
Earlier today Kellen and his team posted their inaugural audio thing.
So, during this episode you’ll meet and get to know our future host, Cynthia F. ’18, as well as learn a little bit about why we decided to start this project. Along the way, you’ll learn a little about the MIT Trashion Show, escaping the MIT bubble, the Media Lab, and a lot more.
Give it a listen! I know Kellen and the rest of their team are looking for feedback (as are we). And, if you’re around, check out the Trashion Show tonight. I helped judge last year (pictures and blog) and will again tonight.
Oh, and we do plan to do more admissions audio…once we’re done reading these applications!