MIT Regular Action Decisions Now Available Online by Chris Peterson SM '13
MIT Regular Action admissions decisions for the Class of 2016 are now available at:
You can log in using the same username and password that you use to log into your MyMIT account. There are no interim screens, so you should be sure you are ready to receive your decision online before logging in to decisions.mit.edu
18,109 students applied for admission to MIT this year, the most in our history, and the first time the number of aspiring students has exceeded 18,000. As a result, our admit rate this year is the lowest in MIT's 151 years; we had to turn away the vast majority of excellent, qualified, well-matched students who applied to us, something difficult for all involved.
Of those 18,109 applicants we admitted 1620 students. They are all amazing individuals, from rich and varied backgrounds, perspectives, locations, and experiences: over 1,100 high schools are represented amongst our admits. Every day at my job I am constantly amazed by the caliber of character, intellect, and achievement of these students. They are all superstars in one way or another, and when arranged together they constitute the constellation of the Class of 2016, which is, to me, just about as awe-inspiring as any other in the cosmos.
There are also those stars who will compose different celestial bodies next fall. If you are one of the students to whom we were unable to offer admission, please remember that, as one of our bloggers posted earlier this year, MIT is just another place. It is an awesome place, but it is not awesome because of some immanent force radiating from beneath 77 Mass Ave, where the Great Wizard Rogers once cast his spell of special. It's awesome because of the people here. The corollary of this is that if you are an awesome person, you will be awesome wherever you go. Even more importantly, you can make wherever you go more awesome for everyone else. I hope you do. I know you will.
I'm closing comments on this blog post to concentrate conversation in the open threads for admitted, waitlisted, and not admitted students.
Congratulations to the Class of 2016. I wish all of our applicants well. It's been an honor to learn so much about your lives. May Pi, Tau, and peace be with you.