My Monday (in Snaps) by Kevin S. '19
and my longest Snapchat story ever
(Take a look at “My Monday” by Yuliya K. ’18 for her day in the life at MIT post)
8:45: Wakeup. For real this time, after 10+ snoozes.
8:53: First snap! Of a TMAYD MIT (Tell Me About Your Day MIT) wristband. Happy Monday, MIT! Also my roommate picked up my first paycheck in our shared mailbox. Exciting stuff!
9:05: Depart Conner 5. Isn’t our elevator art on point? (We’re the Home of the Velociraptors, in case you were wondering)
9:06: Aaaand it’s cold outside at a crisp 45 degrees. But good thing I’m all bundled up though, with a beanie and down jacket.
9:10: Arrive at Johnson Arena, next to the Z-Center for skating practice. During practice, a friend from Technique, the yearbook, photography, and design club, drops by to take some pictures for her photography class project.
10:00: OK, so I woke up later than I intended, so my training session was cut short. Ideally I’d wake up early enough to skate the full session starting at 8am. Anyways, it’s time for breakfast! I always dig the chocolate milk, especially after practice!
10:45: Walk across Mass Ave and enter Lobby 7 on my way to take the 3.091 (Solid State Chem) midterm. Quick diversion: it’s a hack–the MIT Zoo! (Check out “A Collection of Curious Creatures at the MIT Zoo” by Chris Peterson for some great shots)
10:59: Got just a little distracted by the zoo animals, but I arrive at 10-250 with a few minutes to spare (on MIT time). T-6 mins before exam begins.
11:02: T-2 mins… Time to get calculator, pencil, eraser, periodic table, table of constants, and cheat sheet out.
11:04: Here we gooooo! OK, it’s time to put my phone away.
12:08: Walk out of 10-250 feeling WRECKED by the midterm. alksjdfiwejkndfv. I can’t even think straight anymore. My brain hurts.
12:10: Down the hall it’s Lobby 7! Lobby 7 is always on point. There’s light and beauty at the end of the hallway/tunnel–that’s what I’d like to think at least… Now off to Rotch Library to pset for 8.01
13:30: Still psetting.
13:45: Time to leave for 18.02 recitation. Back down to Lobby 7, and another chance to receive the full MIT Zoo experience, feat. dino, ¾ of cow, seal, and head of cow.
13:48: Oops. Forgot to get lunch. Run to Masseh to get food to-go.
13:57: Run through the Infinite, weaving through people to get to Building 66.
14:05: Made it just in time. We get back our 18.02 midterms that we took on Thursday. No time to look them over–we got material to cover. Today it’s line integrals. Fun stuff.
15:05: MAS.A19 seminar, aka “Designing Consumer Electronics” and held at the Media Lab which has to be the coolest building on campus. Snacks provided too!
17:10: Walking through the Infinite for the n-th time today, I am greeted by another zoo animal, this time it’s a circular cow hanging from the ceiling. Mooooo.
17:15: Make my way to Barker Library. The reading room is an amazing place to study (and to doze off) in. Nikola Tesla’s bust resides outside Barker.
18:20: Attempting to finish 8.01. Can’t figure out a part of a part of a problem. Noooooo. Time to go to office hours.
18:30: 8.01 office hours. Ask for help to figure out what I’m doing wrong. So I do it on the whiteboards again to double check my strategy. And it works! I can’t algebra, that’s why. Oops.
18:50: Walk thru Infinite for the infinith-time. This time I spot a hanging octopus. Yeeeee–walking thru the Infinite today has been so exciting!
18:51: I spy free food in Lobby 10. Time to snack up on some sandwiches. Have yet to eat dinner.
18:55: Cross Mass Ave once again. Building 7 looks on point at night.
19:00: Arrive at the TechX office in the Student Center for a meeting about organizing the Banquet for xFair, MIT’s spring career fair and expo. A futon is convenietnly opened up. Would love to take a nap, but it’s time to discuss logistics! Oh, and there’s also snacks stocked up in the room. Yay.
20:54. Time to eat dinner. Back again at Masseh.
21:05: Not too much time to waste. Back in the Infinite on my way to Building 2 for the general TechX Logistics Committee meeting. More discussion and planning and emails.
22:04: Meeting ended early! Finally back in Burton Conner after a full day out. Greeted by our floor’s uber cool light-up sign, which is reprogrammable.
22:06: Got an email that my Amazon shipment has arrived. Yay for Amazon Prime! Also 3.091 midterm grades released. I know right?! The average was a 63%. I did a lot better than I thought I did. I didn’t fail. So yay! Two midterms down, one to go. (18.02 happened last week, 8.01 on Thursday…)
22:20: Bought a card reader for CF memory card. Now I can transfer and edit photos that I took from a camera checked out from Technique, the yearbook, design, and photography club.
23:50: Done playing for the day. Back to psetting…
00:51: Finally done with the 8.01 pset! #success OK, it’s bedtime…
01:00: ‘Night.