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Humanitarian Blog

My Last Blog: Introducing My Successor by The Humanitarian Blog

I started "The Humanitarian Blog" to spotlight the amazing work that MIT students are doing on behalf of developing countries. I thought about continuing it as an alum, but I decided that it'd be good for someone new to take over and impart a fresh perspective.

It’s been nearly three months since I graduated MIT. With the freshman class starting school tomorrow, it’s strange to think that I won’t be returning to my beloved 254 suite in Burton-Conner, hanging out with the SuMmErFuN folks, and trekking up and down the Infinite multiple times a day. I miss MIT dearly, but feel so lucky to’ve experienced even an infinitesimal fraction of what it has to offer these past four years. To the Class of 2012 — four years is an incredibly short time, and each one passes a little faster.

I’m currently a Junior Fellow at the Carnegie Endowment, a think tank that’s based in D.C, studying democratization and governance in China. Given that I’m a twig, it never ceases to amuse me that the other fellow in my program is a certified body builder and a walking encyclopedia of information on health and nutrition. We’ve done a comprehensive study of Beijing’s performance in the Olympics and conducted research for a report on how the next administration should approach China. Next up, we’ll be working on a grant proposal for a project that examines the risks that China will confront in the next 10-15 years. The work is intense but fascinating, and I know that the year ahead will be tremendously enriching. I have no idea what’ll happen next, but I have some time to think about options.

Enough about me, though, and onto the blog. I started “The Humanitarian Blog” to spotlight the amazing work that MIT students are doing on behalf of developing countries. I thought about continuing it as an alum, but I decided that it’d be good for someone new to take over and impart a fresh perspective. I’m delighted to announce that Angelica Weiner ’09 will be taking over the blog starting this year.

In addition to being a close friend, Angelica is one of the most earnest individuals whom I’ve met. She’s a rock star in Course 11, a fluent Spanish speaker, and a salsa dancer to boot. Selected as a Community Catalyst Leader and a Goldman Sachs Global Leader in 2007, she was a finalist for the prestigious Truman Scholarship this year. Those plaudits don’t come easily. She’s the International Outreach Coordinator for the Public Service Center, the Co-Founder of MIT Engineers Without Borders, and the Elected Student Representative on the Urban Studies Student Council. Her passion for community service has already taken her to Mexico, Ecuador, Thailand, and Singapore, and that list will doubtless expand rapidly in the years to come. With her boundless spirit, curiosity, and sincerity, she’ll be a fine steward of the world that our children inherit.

Angelica, thank you for being such an inspiration — go forth and make your dreams happen. Pura Vida!

3 responses to “My Last Blog: Introducing My Successor”

  1. Barack Obama says:

    First to tou xiang!!

    Nice post! smile

  2. John Mccain says:


    Nice Post!

  3. Keri says:

    Congrats to Angelica! She’s fantastic.