parallel universe by Kai V. '25
for those feeling dejected
Text transcript:
Many times this semester, I felt disappointed in myself. It’s not a new sensation. But after all these years, I still don’t have any advice, just a feeling. A long, cold plummet into guilt and shame over a failure that feels misunderstood by others, and an emergence into a slightly parallel universe: one where everything remains the same, except for the wet sheen of dejection, weighing upon you alone.
But – look up – this parallel universe is also one where art transports you elsewhere, if only for a few hours; one where a weekend trip with friends makes you feel whole again; one where you are learning and growing all the time; one where you try new things and expand your sense of what is possible; one where the future still stretches out ahead of you, opaque, diffuse, waiting to be molded into reality.