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A head-and-shoulders illustration of Richard. He has dark brown skin, short black hair and is wearing a maroon collared shirt.

Pictures from a Semester of Classes by Richard O. '28

The Sequel Society Didn't Know It Needed

So about a week and a half ago I handed in my last final in Johnson Athletic Center which marked the end of a very long first semester at MIT. So like before, I’m gonna continue to give y’all a glimpse of whatever just happened here these past three months…but with pictures (because I like pictures).

Part 7: The Battles Go On…

So the whole Students and Sleep vs. Professors and PSets Thing? Yea that never ended. But all it takes is a few student center study sessions, a few office hours, and a lot of late-night dining hall food to survive thrive.



Part 8: Random Things I Did Instead of My Assignments and Studying

This section is pretty much a catchall for all the miscellaneous things I did this semester.

  • Can learn more about that building here.


  • Can read more about Halloween on campus in Janet’s detailed blog here!






Part 9: MIThenge

Anyways, besides the whole school part of this school, there are a lot of other unique things that happen on this campus during the year, and being a person who loves taking photos, MIThenge was one of those things I was really excited about. In short, there are about two times during the year when the sun aligns perfectly with the infinite, and tons of people crowd the halls to get photos of it…including me.



Part 10: BU Expedition

So at some point in the middle of the semester one of my friends was like: “Let’s go explore Boston University.”

So we did. Probably the most impulsive yes I’ve ever given. Still enjoyed it and took some fun photos.




So yeah we pretty much just checked out their buildings which all looked really cool.


Part 11: The Super Calc PSET group that I had fun locked in with…

As I noted in my first photoblog, PSets are not about the problems, “but rather the friends we make along the way,” and those same people in that dome picture from 18.01A 01 Calc I option that spans half a semester which is then followed by 18.02A which is the Calc II class that spans both the remainder of that semester and the following 1 month January term as a way to get your calc requirement out of the way before the spring semester became some of my closest friends here on campus. So here are some pictures of the stuff we did to have fun lock in this semester.

  • Storytime: So one of the TAs for 18.02A has a crazy response time. Like you can send him an email and get a reply in less than 5 minutes. So one night while we were working on an assignment we all got confused over something for one of the questions. So we decided to put his reply speed to the test. Mind you it was 11:30pm when we emailed him and if I ever got an email past 9pm, it wouldn’t get a reply until 8am the next day. So we sent him the email and surely enough in 4 minutes he sent a reply…and then commented on how late it was to be sending him an email. So after feeling a little guilty, we all sent him a thank you photo in response for helping us so late.





Part 12: Richie Declares War against “The Institvte” for Finals Season

Finals season. As Aiden beautifully describes in his blog on studying for finals, this part of the semester was more about the math that went into a passing grade than studying for a passing grade. But nonetheless, we balled anyway.

  • And no, that wasn’t a typo in the heading. On most of the main buildings on campus, all the U’s are spelled with V’s since they are meant to be in Latin so I like using the school’s government name as it’s written for official business like this.
  • Photo of the MIT Dome highlighting the V's used instead of U's in the building lettering

    The MassachVsetts InstitVte of Technology


In total, I had four finals to prepare for after the last day of classes on Wednesday the 11th:

  • Monday: 8.01 (Physics I)
  • Tuesday: 5.111 (Chemistry) and 14.01 (Intro to Microeconomics)
  • Thursday: 18.02A (Calc II – half the course content because the other half of the course continues through the January IAP term)

Now my biggest opp in this war was chemistry simply because I and that subject don’t have any, so in the same way Aiden imprisoned himself in building 4 to study for physics, I holed myself up in our dorm’s multipurpose room the day following the last day of classes and started brain-dumping everything I could remember from that subject on two large whiteboards. I then made a list of stuff to review that I couldn’t rewrite from memory and after doing this I started to realize that this method really helped me draw the line between what I did and didn’t know in a class so I ended up doing the same thing for all the other classes I had finals for and at some point I started to feel like a maniac who was just scribbling non-sense equations on a wall.



  • So after that Thursday of pure chem review, I put together the remainder of my action plan for the next 7 days of war.


Photo of studying schedule for author: Friday: 8.01, Saturday: 14.01 + 5.111, Sunday: 8.01 + 14.01, Monday: 5.111+14.01, Tuesday/Wednesday: 18.02


  • So the weekend flew by with me reviewing pretty much everything except calc cause I had all Wednesday to review for it and very soon it was Monday and time for my…third…final of the year (I already had finals for 6.100A – “Intro to Comp Sci” and 18.01A – “Calc I” since they were half terms prior to this).
  • Now side note, MIT is very lucky to have some really cool physics faculty. For example, one of our physics instructors runs an Instagram channel with 1.1M followers as of the moment I’m writing this whose videos you may have stumbled upon while watching Instagram reels or something. Another has spent the past 40 years teaching the 8.01 course at MIT and it just so happens that the class section I was in this semester that he teaches turned out to be the last physics course he would ever lecture so on the very last day of school this semester, the entire physics department came out to celebrate him while he was trying to explain some practice problems to us and it was all really wholesome (He’s also the same professor from that slide at the beginning of this blog that “teaches you patience”).


  • And last but not least, the final instructor that I got to interact with this semester was one whose name is probably very familiar to a lot of people on campus simply because of how much he helps the entire 8.01 community when it comes to physics exams. But Mohamed, as Aidan notes in the Tuesday section of his blog, is actually such an amazing person and professor that if he asked me to be a physics major personally, I would probably consider it…for a few moments before reverting back to a comp sci major. But pretty much, whenever it comes to exams, this professor drops these 4-hour-long review videos that after putting on 2x speed will make the whole 8.01 community feel like they somehow magically downloaded all the information that they need for an exam and it actually makes sense. So the moment I get a Canvas notification saying “Mohamed sent you a message in Canvas” right before an exam, I know I’m ready for anything.

So anyways:

  • Monday. 8.01. 9AM. Johnson Athletic Center. Just me, my pencil, and my knowledge from the review video.
  • 3 hours later. Noon. Test Complete. Boom. Knocked out. Beat that battle and had three more to go. Richie: 1, Institvte: 0


Tuesday was two finals back to back. Chem and Econ. Econ was chill so I spent most of that Monday going over chem again. So back to the whiteboards I went.


  • Tuesday. 5.111. 9AM. Johnson Athletic Center. Just me, my pencil, a calculator, and my brain still trying to convince myself that there’s logic behind the whole particle in a box model and I wasn’t being brainwashed by “big chem” into believing the whole thing isn’t made up.
  • 3 hours later. Noon. Complete. Boom. Knocked out. Was actually so much better than I thought it was. 2 more tests to go. Richie: 2, Institvte: 0




  • Tuesday. 14.01. 1:30PM. Johnson Athletic Center. Just me, my pencil, and my love-hate relationship with Econ.
  • 2 hours later. 3:30PM. Complete. Boom. Knocked out. That final was probably the nicest thing that class treated us to all semester. 1 more tests to go. Richie: 3, Institvte: 0


At last, we were down to one last battle. 18.02A (Calc II). Genuinely love that class. Used the remainder of that Tuesday as a mental break from finals and took some time to myself and then locked in the whole day on Wednesday and used the same whiteboard method I’d been using previously with some practice problems they posted for us.


Group photo of students at table enjoy wings and checking their final physics grade.

Also had a mini 8.01 final grade reveal over Buffalo Wild Wings with some friends that Wednesday.


  • Thursday. 18.02A. 9AM. Johnson Athletic Center. Just me, my pencil, and .5 photos that the professor and course instructor let me take of them and my friends right before we started. 
  • 2 hours later. 11AM. Complete. Boom. Knocked out. No more exams. I was free. War was over. I could go home! Richie: 4, Institvte: 0

Part 13: The Greatest Prison Break Out of the Century…Richie Goes Home

Afterward, I had 3 hours to clean my room, pack 2 weeks of clothes, and get some food before my Uber to the airport got to campus. So after a quick Dunkin’ trip, I walked back to my dorm and started packing while enjoying my newfound freedom accompanied by my favorite music.


So the Uber arrived around 2:30ish and I and the three other friends I rode with got to the airport around 3ish. So from there we all took a group photo together and headed our separate ways into our different terminals. Took me about half an hour to get through TSA and reach my gate and from there I just chilled and listened to music for some hours while waiting for my plane.  And it was once I got in my seat that I decided to take time and really reflect on all that had happened this past semester.

In the span of four months, I had done so many new things and met so many new and amazing people. I took classes that really tested my limits but also took classes that reminded me why I enjoyed learning in the first place. I found spaces and mentors that have helped me to continue exploring my goals and passions here on campus. I learned a lot about myself, the ways I learn, the ways I deal with stress, and the ways I interact with others. And despite how challenging it all felt, I’m just really glad to have found a way to grow from everything this semester and really look forward to taking all these lessons into my future semesters here.

Night photo of the national harbor from airplane window

Aerial photo of the National Harbor as my plane lands in DC.


Part 14: To be continued…

I’ll see yall in May/June for the end of this trilogy. Try and guess what the title of the last edition will be between now and then.







  1. Calc I option that spans half a semester which is then followed by 18.02A which is the Calc II class that spans both the remainder of that semester and the following 1 month January term as a way to get your calc requirement out of the way before the spring semester" back to text