snippets from a semester by Ankita D. '23
minus academics, of course
this semester was a blast! here are some things that happened :)
weekend trips
- Maine — for Veteran’s Day weekend, my burton conner floor went to some random town in Maine for three days. our Airbnb had three floors, over 30 rooms, and a hot tub, so it was a very very good time. however, i subsisted on oreos, mozzarella sticks, doritos, and burgers for the entire weekend, so i did not feel great when i got home…
- Vermont — my east campus hall visited Wilmington in early October. it was wonderful—we hiked, walked around the town, and hung out in our super nice Airbnb. plus, we brought healthy food and cooked together, which was unreal considering i’ve eaten like trash for every single other weekend getaway
- firefly — four friends and i went to Dover, Delaware for three days of the firefly music festival. it was absolutely amazing; Tame Impala was the best live performance i’ve ever seen, and Billie Eilish, Cage the Elephant, and Glass Animals went pretty h
ard as well. we saw Duckwrth, The Killers, and Flo Milli too!
- 100 gecs — i went with two friends in the last week of the semester. there was an ungodly amount of moshing, and as a 5 ‘2 girl, i didn’t have the best time being pushed around. the music slapped though
- kinematix — i biked to Northeastern three times a week to dance with their hiphop team! it was a good experience since the team is quite rigorous, but the team environment was hard to get used to. i loved the choreography and had a great time getting to meet dancers from diverse backgrounds, but i ended up dropping it before the final showcase since i came down with bronchitis…ouch. i did get to perform at OVRDRV, Boston University’s dance showcase, and Dance 4 Me, a Northeastern fundraiser competition. both events were fantastic because i got to see a lot of teams perform for the first time in two years.
- mocha moves — for my 5th semester on mocha, i danced in only one section, which i co-choreographed. i don’t know if i would have been able to do more, but i know that i wish i could have performed more with the team. we hosted our annual competition Ring the Alarm,01 rebranded as Revive the Arts since other teams weren't allowed on campus this year but i got to dance in very little because i was mainly committed to kinematix. that’s about to change since i’ll be doing a whole lot of performing with mocha come February!! our annual show is then and we spend all of January preparing for it.
- ring delivery! the class of 2023 dressed up and got our
brass rats.02
class rings
it was my first time wearing a long dress since i never made it to prom (i was abroad at the time). taking photos with friends and being able to hang out with my whole class for the first time since Orientation felt surreal.
ring delivery bathroom selfie
- formal cocoa — slugfest, my east campus hall, has this tradition where people gather at 11 pm on every school night to drink cocoa. on the last school night, which is the week before finals, we dress up, make fancy cocoa (gasp! cocoa that’s not powder and water!), and cook delicious food to eat together. it was very cute and fun
- Mocha formal — my dance team holds a formal every year where we dress up fancy, eat food, and talk about what sorts of dances we want to choreograph for our February show. it was exciting for me this year since i wanted to take an active role in choreographing; my freshman year, i didn’t have the confidence to create more than one dance, but that is no longer the case!
MoFormal 2k21
- bombergiving — the bombers’ thanksgiving potluck. we had three turkeys this year, which was great since i didn’t get any turkey freshman year (freshmen get food last). as per tradition, since i’m a floor chair,03 exec member , i had to give a toast, and i definitely didn’t tear up :’) our community has survived a renovation and a pandemic and that makes me so happy! it was weird to be a floor chair for this event when the last time we had it, i was a mere frosh, but…that’s just the passage of time, i guess
- sigma kappa formal — my bomber little brought me to the SK formal, which was at this nice Boston Asian fusion restaurant called Shojo. the music was questionable, but the food was good
- infinite magazine — i was in a graphic tee photoshoot for the ‘tute’s fashion magazine. being photographed is not something i’m good at, especially when i’m wearing clothes i would probably never choose to wear and the sun is setting rapidly, but i tried my best! the spread came out amazing thanks to the lead, who created the shirts, wrote the article, and put the spread together all on her own. she’s amazing
kinematix photoshoot
- kinematix — we had a 90s hip hop shoot that came out fantastic thanks to the intensive color coordination of the fashion lead. outfits had to use one of red, green, blue, or yellow, and could only have one piece that was white or black. we had to incorporate denim, have a “loose silhouette,” and wear white shoes as well. the guidelines was hyper-specific, but it really did the job..i loved my pictures, and the team looked bomb.
- RTA photoshoot — for revive the arts, the team took pictures in the Media Lab. the schedule was tight since the team has 20+ members and we only had two hours with the photographer, but we made it work!

rta photoshoot
- abc (anything but clothes) — the party the bombers host the week before October every year. you have to wear anything that’s not a machine-produced garment, and by anything i mean…anything. i wore fake Course 15 nameplates that i printed at CopyTech.05 a nice printing facility located in the infinite corridor basement we hosted it in Walker Memorial, which ironically is where many students take exams, but hey, it’s a large space…! and we didn’t have our usual dorm party room!!! tough times for real
- east campus parties — every other week, an EC floor throws a themed party. i went to a few throughout the semester and had a pretty good time, but my favorite was the party slugfest hosted at the end of the semester. it was rave themed and super lit. i volunteered to write the party email for it and it was quite unhinged :))
- halloween — number six, the international co-ed frat, throws an amazing halloween party every year. halloweekend is usually very fun because so many places throw and you can hit up multiple parties in a night, but i chose to stay at number six for my whole night and it was 10/10
looking back at my semester, i can’t believe it went by so quickly, but i’m very very hype for next year. fingers crossed that spring semester will be as good as this one!!
- rebranded as Revive the Arts since other teams weren't allowed on campus this year back to text ↑
- class rings back to text ↑
- exec member back to text ↑
- that were actually good, so not frat parties back to text ↑
- a nice printing facility located in the infinite corridor basement back to text ↑