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An illustration of Veronica's profile. She has long, brown hair, medium-toned skin, and is wearing a blue tank top.

*THE* double by Veronica P. '27

a room tour from an (only slightly) obnoxious duo

Meet my roommate and me:

I’m not quite sure when it happened, but if I had to guess it was sometime around 3 am, sharing food on the sofa of our freshman year suite and undoubtedly procrastinating far more important matters—


“If we’re doubling together, I feel like we could really lock into making our room, like, the best room ever.” 

“Oh not just any double, THE double.” 


And thus, The Double was born.

The inception of this idea sent us down a pinterest-boarding, wishlist-making, room-blue-printing spiral. By the time we said our goodbyes in May, The Double was already a space in our minds. Sometimes, when I found myself gazing for long enough upon my childhood bedroom— the one that, post-graduation, felt eerily like every bit of me that I’d thought I’d outgrown or discarded— I’d close my eyes and visit that corner of my mind, letting our brainchild buoy me back to Boston.

Soon enough, of course, we found ourselves actually back on campus— our return expedited by promises to help our floor (Burton One!) run events for all of the newcomers to our building. And while that promise probably took a year off our lives — story for another time?— it gave us time to lock into the double before classes came around. As soon as we got the chance, we borrowed a car and headed out to Cambridge Antiques and IKEA, resolved to finish The Double by the next day.

A Selfie of two girls in a car with furniture in the back

a photo from our travels

Well, until we developed the motto, “The Double is never finished” — tapping into some optimism that each new outing presented the chance to find another addition to our home.

And, three months into The Double, I can confirm that quite a bit has been added. As of right now, however, here is a completely updated tour:

THE view:

A window looking out onto the Charles River, with trees and a street in the foreground

our room looks over the Charles, and we always get a great view of the sunrise (in the rare moments where we’ve been awake for it)

THE desks:


THE beds:

A light blue bed with blue string lights and a collage on the wall behind it.
A green bed with stuffed animals and a collage on the wall behind it. There is a gold star lamp
layla's side and my side


THE floor seating:

THE dresser:

THE shelves (are u tired of this bit yet):

missing the normal version of WNRS which is currently on loan.

THE mini fridge:

A purple mini fridge with a photo on the door.

“of course you guys won’t even get a normal mini fridge”

And that’s about it! I’ll admit, I probably have an inordinate amount of love for a few square feet that I’ll have to pack up in about six months. But, when I consider all the memories this room has collected for me—along its walls and upon its surfaces— and all the memories made within this room— devising outfits in the mirror and tackling projects on the desks and outpouring emotions atop the floor cushions— that love doesn’t feel all that inordinate to me.