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A head-and-shoulders illustrated portrait of Kayode. He is smiling with his mouth closed, has medium dark skin, and short curly hair. He's wearing a light blue collared shirt.

Top Ten of All Time; 2024 Edition ft. Barack Obama by Kayode D. '27

aka Minesweeper Monday EP 2

In this episode, which was most certainly posted on a Monday, I talk about making a pizza, and how Simmons hall doesn’t have a sheet pan in any of the 6 kitchens, but has a muffin tray in every single one?? None of them even have ovens!! I’m going to ask them to order some more…oh yeah, and I talk about my favorite things of this year.

Note01 the people are saying 'congratulations' at the end. i tried to make it a caption but yo no se. .

  1. the people are saying 'congratulations' at the end. i tried to make it a caption but yo no se. back to text