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A head-and-shoulders illustrated portrait of Emiko. She has light skin, and long wavy brown hair. She is wearing a necklace and a dark tank top.

Tour de Frat by Emiko P. '25

house tours of pbe, dke, and sig chi!

Welcome back to another tour – and I hope you’re excited, because this one is gonna be fun. Today we will be going on a tour of three different MIT fraternities! Fraternities existing at MIT may seem like a crazy concept, but what’s even crazier is that we actually have 26 of them in total! A lot of my friends ended up joining frats freshman year, so I thought it would be fun to show what Greek life is like for them. (You can see the tour of sororities here too, if you’re interested)

Without further ado, let’s embark on our Tour de Frat!

Phi Beta Epsilon

First up is Phi Beta Epsilon! Right next to the tennis courts and other athletic fields, it’s on the same street as a bunch of other dorms on campus. Here to give us a tour is Ethan R. ‘25, a member of the lacrosse team, and AZ ‘26, a member of the soccer team!

PBE House Quick Facts

  • Inhabitants: 42
  • Singles: 7
  • Doubles: 4
  • Triples: 9 
  • Location: on campus

Delta Kappa Epsilon

We continue our tour with DKE! Conveniently, DKE and PBE’s buildings are actually physically connected literally you can cross from one roof to the other so it takes only a few seconds for us to be greeted by one of our next tour guides: Drew R. ’25!

DKE House Quick Facts

  • Inhabitants: 30
  • Singles: 8
  • Doubles: 11
  • Location: on campus

Sigma Chi

With our two on-campus fraternity tours complete, it’s time to go off-campus and walk across the bridge to Sig Chi. There are many frats located off-campus, so we see a few (like Theta Chi, Skulls, and Theta Tau) on our way. We are greeted by our next two tour guides: Sanjay L. ’25 and Jack G. ’25!

Sig Chi House Quick Facts

  • Inhabitants: 28
  • Doubles: 6
  • Triples: 4
  • Quads: 1
  • Location: off campus (Back Bay)

And with that, we wrap up our Tour de Frat! I hope everyone enjoyed the tour – thanks for tagging along :)