Welcome back to another tour – and I hope you’re excited, because this one is gonna be fun. Today we will be going on a tour of three different MIT fraternities! Fraternities existing at MIT may seem like a crazy concept, but what’s even crazier is that we actually have 26 of them in total! A lot of my friends ended up joining frats freshman year, so I thought it would be fun to show what Greek life is like for them. (You can see the tour of sororities here too, if you’re interested)
Without further ado, let’s embark on our Tour de Frat!
Phi Beta Epsilon
First up is Phi Beta Epsilon! Right next to the tennis courts and other athletic fields, it’s on the same street as a bunch of other dorms on campus. Here to give us a tour is Ethan R. ‘25, a member of the lacrosse team, and AZ ‘26, a member of the soccer team!
hey pbe!
az (left) and ethan (right) welcome us in
we start our tour in the pool room, where ethan shows us his shot (he definitely makes it in this pic)
on the same floor of the pool room is the living room, where pbe hosts events and holds weekly meetings!
we then get a quick serenade to put us in a good mood for the rest of our tour!!
we then head over to the dining room, and something smells really good...
... so we investigate the smell and find the chef making dinner in the kitchen! pretty sure i heard az's stomach rumbling in this.
next up is the shop, where the brothers have access to woodworking tools, 3d printers, and cool safety goggles. scroll down to the next set of pics for the rest of the tour!
we then go all the way up to the sixth floor for the most iconic part of pbe: the roof!!
this is one view from the roof, where you can see all of boston, including the charles river, harvard bridge, and the prudential center!
this is the other view from the pbe roof, where you can see the tennis courts, football field, and field hockey field
we go back downstairs and hang out in the lounge for a bit. there is a lounge of couches and TV's on every floor of pbe.
is it really an mit fraternity if there isn't chess?
each brother has their own desk space, so we stop by this one that has a really nice view
finally, we end the tour by checking out ethan's room, where he lives in a single! thanks for coming along on this tour of pbe, see you at the next frat :)
PBE House Quick Facts
Inhabitants: 42
Singles: 7
Doubles: 4
Triples: 9
Location: on campus
Delta Kappa Epsilon
We continue our tour with DKE! Conveniently, DKE and PBE’s buildings are actually physically connected – literally you can cross from one roof to the other – so it takes only a few seconds for us to be greeted by one of our next tour guides: Drew R. ’25!
hello dke!
drew welcomes us to his humble dke home
of course, the first stop of our tour is the golf simulator, where we are joined by our other tour guide, donald (aka donny)
we then head over to the library, where we find some dke brothers hard at work
next up is the living room! this is where dke hosts events, and where donny performed as lead singer of the dke band: the deuce!!
drew points out a cool piece of wall art to us
we then walk over to the dining room and chat with dke's graduate resident advisor (this is an adult required to live in the house to help foster a safe and supportive living community, which nearly every mit sorority and fraternity has)
we then visit a classic dke double. scroll down to the next set of pics for the rest of the tour!
we take a look at another room that has two couches AND two TVs. we are informed that: "this room is popping."
we finally arrive at donny and drew's room! they show off their nice wall decor and their comfy couch.
they then lead us to the balcony right outside their room, before going up the stairs to...
... the roof!! we play a game of die...
... and we check out the views of campus and boston
finally, we go alllll the way downstairs to the kitchen. on my way out, westy (beloved dke chef and honorary brother), gives me a meatball sub to go!
thanks for visiting dke! onto the final tour: sig chi!
DKE House Quick Facts
Inhabitants: 30
Singles: 8
Doubles: 11
Location: on campus
Sigma Chi
With our two on-campus fraternity tours complete, it’s time to go off-campus and walk across the bridge to Sig Chi. There are many frats located off-campus, so we see a few (like Theta Chi, Skulls, and Theta Tau) on our way. We are greeted by our next two tour guides: Sanjay L. ’25 and Jack G. ’25!
hey sig chi!
jack (left) and sanjay (right) welcome us in
we start off the tour with a quick concert from sanjay and jack
followed by an intense ping pong match. i ask to play but am refused, probably because they don't want to get destroyed...
... again. this is from freshman year, so our tour guide jack may be holding a grudge.
next up on the tour is the basement, where sanjay sings for us!!
then we visit the kitchen...
... and the dining room! sig chi also hosts events here. scroll down to the next set of pics for the rest of the tour!
we start to take our tour up the stairs
our first stop after taking the stairs is the library. this is where sig chi's weekly meetings are held!
our next stop is a lounge in one of the rooms, where we watch our favorite scene in goodwill hunting
then we check out a classic triple, where sanjay takes a quick nap with his stuffed animals!
for our final stop, we check out the largest room in the entire house, the fifth floor quad!
from this room, you can see the dome and mit's campus, which is where our tour started :) and with that, we end our tour here at sig chi. thanks for coming along!!
Sig Chi House Quick Facts
Inhabitants: 28
Doubles: 6
Triples: 4
Quads: 1
Location: off campus (Back Bay)
And with that, we wrap up our Tour de Frat! I hope everyone enjoyed the tour – thanks for tagging along :)