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Please note: MIT and the admissions office will be closed Monday, February 17, for Presidents’ Day, and will open on Tuesday, February 18.


Waitlisted by Decisions

A forum for students who were waitlisted.

In the near future, we’ll have some advice here on the blogs about being waitlisted. In the meantime, feel free to use this forum to discuss anything waitlist-related.

100 responses to “Waitlisted”

  1. Matt says:

    Wow. I’m in a bit of an odd situation. Waitlisted here and at Caltech…

  2. Anonymous says:

    Waitlist but accepted at Caltech…

  3. mo says:

    the wait goes on…………..

    but still, I love you guys! you were amazing!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hey Matt, let’ form a club. Same here. Waitlisted here and at Caltech.

  5. kevin says:

    I am in that club, wait listed at Caltech too!

  6. Ivan says:

    How do you know if you are on the wait list?

  7. quentin says:

    wait listed! this is confusing…. i have to wait until the end of May now? they say they will “update” me in May, what does that mean?

  8. Matt says:

    Hm…well, all I can say is “Thanks” to Mr. Barkowitz who helped me be ok with this.

  9. Isshak says:

    I’m waitlisted, hope May will come soon !

  10. viraj says:

    Can`t party tonight, damn!

  11. Amanda says:

    @ 1st Anonymous – me too!!!!! goodness this is so annoying i wish they just told me i was rejected! i got into caltech. may is so far away…i dont want to put everything else on hold just for the chance that i miiiiight get in, but most likely not. alas.

  12. Evan says:

    Both my best friend and I were waitlisted at both Caltech and MIT.

  13. :) says:

    Waitlisted, but accepted at Yale, with likelies at Stanford, Columbia, Duke, and UVa

  14. Ivan says:

    Where do you see if you are on the waitlist?

  15. amandaL says:

    do we still have an okay chance of getting in, or is it relatively over?

  16. Angus says:

    Relatively over afaik

  17. Kevin says:

    waitlisted at Caltech and MIT as well… odd…

  18. Granton says:

    same here wow, accepted at caltech, waitlisted at mit.

  19. Ivan says:

    where did you guys see that you made it on the waitlist?

  20. kevin says:

    so Kevin! i am kevin too. got waitlisted on both sides. i think we can be buddies.

  21. Isshak says:

    It says in your letter if you are waitlisted or not. By the way, how do we say to you if we want to be on the waitlist ?

  22. yukiko says:

    waitlisted! ok so…..

  23. Al says:

    How many people has been wait listed¿?

  24. Lauren S. says:

    So, even if we don’t get in off of the Wait List, at least we know that MIT really enjoyed our applications and liked us smile

  25. mp says:

    Admitted to Caltech, waitlisted at MIT… but the deposit for Caltech is due May 1st (if I’m remembering correctly). Will we know by then?

  26. Janis says:

    same here, waitlisted at MIT but admitted to Caltech

  27. Claire says:

    I expected to be rejected, so I’m really excited that I was waitlisted!

  28. Rob says:

    Last year they waitlisted about 500 applicants and admitted 20, so there is a chance for some of us but not many.

    I’m confused about how the waitlist process goes – we have to decide by May 1 where we’re going but we won’t know until late May whether or not we can go to MIT. Does anyone know how this works?

  29. Granton says:

    yeah, the same question crosses my mind.

    how many people were on the waitlist?

  30. Kitty says:

    Well, I was expecting a rejection…..

  31. Binga says:

    Man, If Isshak got waitlisted..i can fairly assume how the adcom works…and as i read somewhere…our decision is in all probability affected by wat the reader has for breakfast!

  32. Claire says:

    I think you have to send a deposit to the school you will be going to if you don’t get into MIT, then when MIT accepts you, you tell the other school you won’t be going there. But I don’t think you get the 1st deposit back.

  33. Jim says:

    There’s nothing like waiting for something since elementary school only to be told that you have to wait some more, and then some more after that (I was deferred at first) …

  34. J.L says:

    MIT, you defer me in EA. You waitlist me in RA. You’re probably going to make me fight an ogre come late May to see if I’m worth admitting. Seriously now, most girls I’ve known haven’t led me on this badly. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    Nah, just kidding grin Waitlisted’s alright (an honor, really) – and it’s not a rejection. Out of curiosity, what percentage of the applicant pool are we? Less than the admits or more?

  35. Anonymous says:

    I second Rob’s question.. how are we to know whether or not we can go to MIT if deposits are due for other schools by May 1st and we won’t know of MIT’s decision till the end of May?
    so basically… we got a consolation prize, but unless we’ve got absolutely nowhere to go come the middle of May, goodbye MIT?

  36. Disha says:

    I am glad that I atleast got waitlisted….it would have really painful to see that “REJECTED”….okai…a month or two more of dreaming about MIT i guess!!!

  37. Anonymous says:

    Hah, also waitlisted at MIT, accepted at Caltech. Wonder how many of us there are?

  38. Mo says:

    @ Ivan

    if it says you’re waitlisted on the 1st paragraph of
    then you are.

    There is a little bit of hope……

  39. Anonymous says:

    yet, i’m waitlisted by MIT and accepted by Caltech, too. being waitlisted is so annoying!

  40. Matt says:

    To everyone wondering how the waitlist thing works, I am pretty sure that Claire has the right idea. From what I can figure out by reading previous blogs and such, you have to accept your spot wherever else you got accepted, but tell the admissions people at your other school that you are on the MIT waitlist. If you get in to MIT and choose to attend (I’m not sure if MIT’s list is binding or not) then you forfeit your deposit at the other college and go to MIT.

  41. Rob says:

    At least I can still smile.

    “MIT, you defer me in EA. You waitlist me in RA. You’re probably going to make me fight an ogre come late May to see if I’m worth admitting. Seriously now, most girls I’ve known haven’t led me on this badly. You should be ashamed of yourself.” -J.L

    This is my quote of the week.

  42. Matt says:

    I second Rob’s post.

    That quote made my day a whole lot better.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Waitlist=a second chance at rejection.

  44. Hadley says:

    I can’t believe they didn’t reject me. Like, it totally blows my mind. I’m happy enough with this.

  45. Kevin says:

    Hey Kevin, that sounds like fun… where else did you apply? maybe we’ll both get accepted there and we can go there instead =P

  46. Alan says:

    I’m Waitlisted at both MIT and Caltech as well, but glad to finally hear something back. Best luck to the rest of you still hoping to get in; at this point I’m seeing a couple of scholarships to state universities that look really good…

  47. Kevin Mader says:

    Ha… @Alan that’s so true… I really should just go with those instead of waiting around for a school that may consider me eventually…

  48. Isshak says:


    I don’t understand what you are saying, can you say it differently ? What’s about me ?

  49. JP says:

    Wow. I can’t believe they didn’t flat-out reject me. I’m in a serious state of shock. o.o

    Oh, well. Hope for the future!

  50. PinxiSimitu says:

    I view being waitlisted as a challenge… A challenge to be eventually admitted. So MIT, brace yourself, because here I come. This is going to be more fun than being accepted.

  51. Anonymous says:

    Hey, can we, the waitlisted, go to CPW¿

  52. I wish i had some kind of positive message to post. I don’t. Can I leave two negative messages.

    Hello everyone I am Ishaan, I believe To err is human , to joke divine :D

  53. Andrea says:

    When will we know how many applicants got waitlisted?
    Oh God I hope this year’s yield is huge so they can take people off the waitlist, and by people I mean me…
    I wonder how many other internationals got waitlisted. God helps us all, I hate this uncertainty limbo they call a Waitlist, but I guess it beats rejection

  54. Paul says:

    By the way, one of my great friends here was an international student who was waitlisted. Each year is different, but being admitted from the waitlist can definitely happen!

  55. Oh i posted in the wrong section :(

  56. Granton says:

    Does anybody notice that the posts for the admitted students blog roughly is double the number of posts for this blog. I predict that the ratio is probably 2-1 for the admits to the waitlists.

  57. Homero says:

    “Please complete and return the enclosed card by April 18 to indicate whether or not you wish to stay on the Wait List. We will give you an update by late May.”

    Does Anybody here know what is this enclosed card???

  58. Rob says:


    It will come in the mail on Tuesday/Wednesday.

    Is anyone here not going to accept the Wait List?

  59. Eric says:


  60. Viraj says:

    Hey, is there any way of knowing what place you are on the waitlist?

  61. Derek says:

    Doh! More waiting! >_Doh! More waiting! >_<

  62. Faizan says: is so much better than rejection. But it really hurts to know that Ill be waiting for yet another decision letter from MIT.

    I am begging the people who got admitted to Caltech to go there
    (Just for the record, I did not apply to Caltech because it is not need blind for international).

    Good luck to all with the decisions from other universities. God bless.

  63. Anonymous says:


    If you take a look here

    you can see that last year there were like 1550 Freshman admits, and 500 waitlist, so last year it was more like 3-1. But that doesn’t mean that it’s different this year or something. I really have no clue.

  64. Jack says:

    Deferred EA, waitlisted now…

    For both Cal Tech AND MIT.

  65. Oasis says:

    Yup, I know one of the 20 that got in through the waitlist for 2011. It’s rare, but it’s not impossible. Don’t give up!

  66. Hadley says:

    Does anyone here know when the actual numbers for this year will be released? Such as how many applied, how many were admitted etc. I heard 27,000+ applied to Harvard.

    I personally think everyone here needs to celebrate. I mean…MIT thinks we’re good enough to go there. That is an enormous accomplishment, no matter what happens in May.

  67. Chow says:

    wait listed for me. Good luck to all.

  68. Anonymous says:

    So i read in princeton review, 66% of applicants who got accepted attended?
    But then i read that out of 500 waitlist people, only 20 got in in the waitlist.
    Can somebody explain?

  69. Oasis says:

    @ Anonymous –

    I’m not an admissions officer, but I’ll try to explain this.

    So what happens is that MIT generally anticipates the number of people that are not going to come as part of their estimate when they are admitting students.

    For example, last year, MIT admission officers already anticipated that there will be ~65% “yield” (people who decide to accept admission) in the number of students, so they would accept more than the actual class size. After they figure out the “yield” and the expected class size, then they adjust the expected class size up and down from the yield by using the waitlist. If a record number of people decide to accept MIT, then the waitlist might not even be used. This is also the reason why you guys have to wait until May (after everyone admitted had expressed their decision by May 1) until you get a final word on your status.

    You can read this article for more information (it’s about our class, 2011):

  70. Alex says:

    Waitlisted as well, and believe it or not, I was happy to read the decision. At least it’s not a rejection! Let’s just hope that MIT will use the waitlist a lot this year.

  71. Anonymous says:

    ^make that Alexa (I’ve just seen an “Alex” on the ‘accepted’ forum)

  72. Micah says:

    Well, wait listed. I guess I should be happy; I was preparing myself for rejection. And if I’m wait listed at MIT, it reflects well on my chances at my other (slightly) less selective schools.

    At the same time, it continues the emotional roller-coaster for another six weeks. But with a 4% take-rate last year, I’m not holding out much hope.

  73. Getting into MIT is my dream……I think I still have a chance of getting into MIT………….

  74. Only and only MIT………….

  75. Anonymous says:

    does anyone know if we have to pay to stay on the Wait List?

  76. It is a bitter-sweet moment…….You are not accepted nor rejected………….You can just hope for the better future……………………………………….

  77. anonymous1 says:

    Wait-listed…hmmm…I’m both elated and then dissappointed…was there something I lacked in my application I could have easily changed? I’m wondering that now, but I guess wait-listed is better than rejected and reflects that all of us were at least “liked” by the admissions officers.

    The thing to remember is that what happens, happens for the best–in conjunction with destiny. I think all of us should be happy to even be considered individuals who could potentially be admitted later on. As Talal said, it is a bitter-sweet moment. smile

  78. George says:

    Does any other website keep stats on the ‘waitlisted at School A’, ‘accepted at school B’? I know the decisions are made individually, but I applied to 4 other high selective schools (Duke, Dartmouth, Stanford, and one other I won’t mention here).

    Curious George wants to know!

  79. Blaargh says:

    @ wink
    you got your yale decision already? i thought it was april 1….did they send it to you early or smth??

  80. Anonymous says:

    Some Ivy schools call or send a letter their cream-of-the-crop applicants and kind of “hint” that they already got in before other decisions are released. If you didn’t get a call or a letter, it doesn’t mean you didn’t get in; they alert those kids about decisions early so they have more time to decide.

  81. Rebecca says:

    i hate waiting :(

  82. Anon says:

    US Naval Academy FTW!!!

  83. Steph says:

    I’m almost positive that the wait list is non binding, but I know I can’t afford two deposits even if I really wanted to.

  84. Steph says:

    and props to the guy talking about fighting ogres; thanks for making me laugh.

  85. Interesting says:

    Wait-listed at MIT and accepted at Caltech…

  86. Akash says:

    i am not admittted and not even waitlisted
    you are the lucky who(waitlisted) get the light in dark
    atleast you have chance to get select

  87. Anonymous says:

    How many are on the waitlist this year? Surely not 500 again?

  88. Almani says:

    I am also wait listed…….Does anybody knows is there any preference given to accomplished athlete in the wait list……………….

  89. Vavoom says:

    i dunno whether to be happy or saddened by this news, i guess all we can do is wait and see.

  90. Jen says:

    Haha, the humor in all these forums (particularly “Waitlisted” and “Rejected”) makes me happy–it shows how reslient and positive we are. I have realized that there are so many awesome people out there from my treks through MIT’s admission blogs, which is truly encouraging. I wholeheartedly agree with those who said being waitlisted at MIT is an achievement in itself–you tried, and you made it to Semifinalist standing XDDD

  91. Chris T says:

    Hopefully good news will come in MAY. I love MIT!!!

  92. Elliott says:

    Jen, if you’re right, then I must have the curse of the semifinalist… USABO, Siemens, and now MIT!

    Waitlist is definitely not bad. Best of luck to everyone here!

  93. Andy says:

    eh waitlisted here but accepted at Caltech, Columbia, and Dartmouth

    Good luck guys, and I’ll see some of you at Caltech’s Prefrosh Weekend!

  94. I’m in the same boat as J.L. Only add the waitlist at caltech to the mess.

    With the incredibly low admittance of waitlisted students, it seems to me like I’ll need to beg and grovel and pledge to clean every building on campus with a toothbrush in order to have the slightest chance of getting in. 4% last year? That’s pretty rough. But if gaining admission means being the personal servant to all the admissions officers, a practice dummy for the football team, and target practice for Archery club, then I’ll do it and be happy it was archery club and not the rifle team.

  95. Will P says:

    Alright, I’ve been thinking about it for a few hours now and I think we should all take a proactive stance towards the waitlist by convincing admitted students not to attend MIT. We can work it out right? If MIT thinks we’re bright enough to enroll there we are definately bright enough to figure this out.


    Just kidding. I’m actually really happy that the admissions officers at MIT think I’m good enough to attend their school. Now I just hope I actually get the chance to attend it come next fall. smile

  96. @ Anonymous
    aaah ok. thanks for clearing that up…that’s kind of silly though. they should do it all at once. oh well, the ivies are nuts we all know that raspberry
    @ Jen
    you are sooo right! the posts for the rejects (like me) and the waitlisted are so much more interesting/soulful than the OMG’s of the admitted (no offence intended). Just goes to show what awesome people we are

  97. Kamya says:

    sorry, i meant how awesome we are.

  98. Alexa says:

    ^^Awkward Turtle, you’d deserve to get off the waitlist just for that post smile) honestly