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What is the HASS Requirement?

100% of MIT undergraduates study the humanities, arts, and social sciences.

At MIT, we consider the humanities, arts, and social sciences essential—for educating young engineers, scientists, thinkers, and citizens; for meeting the world’s great challenges; and for sustaining the Institute’s capacity for innovation. 

MIT SHASS is home to research that has a global impact, and to superb graduate programs, all recognized as among the finest in the world. With more than a dozen academic fields, the School’s portfolio is vast, including: anthropology; comparative media studies; economics; global languages; history; linguistics; literature; music; philosophy; political science; science, technology, and society; theater arts; and writing.

All MIT students will complete courses in the humanities, arts, and social sciences, and we call that the HASS requirement. The requirement deepens our students’ knowledge in a variety of cultural and disciplinary areas and encourages the development of sensibilities and skills vital to an effective and satisfying life as an individual, a professional, and a member of society.