Alina G. '11
- Course 20

The internet is a strange, strange place. Right now, for instance, I’m wrangling with an online protocol “to-say-hi-or-not-to-say-hi” conundrum. On the one hand, if I was writing an email or on the phone or in person, I would be all, “Hi there!” On the other hand, if I was going to write a book I’d probably just start with “It was a dark and stormy night” or something. So how do I start this online bio? I think the Bulwar-Lytton people have the terrible first sentence thing down, so I’m going to choose the first option, and say “Hi!”
My name is Alina (but you know that already because you got here by clicking on a link with my name on it, so once again, thanks, internet, for the awkwardness). According to MIT, I’m a senior in Course 20 (Bioengineering), but I still don’t quite believe them yet (seriously, a senior? how did that happen?). I’m originally from Beverly Hills, Michigan, and yes, I’ve heard that joke before. In the third grade a friend and I successfully managed to convince a bunch of fellow campers at Girl Scout camp we were from that Beverly Hills (it didn’t hurt that she shares a name with a movie star). Usually I just say I’m from Metro Detroit, and I always point at my hand.
I run for MIT on the varsity cross-country and track teams, and I’m proud to be the winner of the “craziest running outfit” paper plate award three years in a row(I have these awesomely bright, loudly-patterned running tights. It’s almost unfair). Thanks to my experience as co-captain, I’m also an expert at cooking pasta for lots of starving runners.
I live with 60 other women and one amazing RA (Kim H is the best!) in my sorority house (Alpha Phi) in Boston. There I can be found in the study, occasionally doing work, or down in the kitchen, baking and generally making a mess. I’m proud to be the current chapter president, the leader of 120 amazing, inspiring women.
As all of you who are going to be seniors in high school have undoubtedly found out, this is the time we all get asked about our plans for the future. In anticipation of the question I’m going to be honest with you -I’m still deciding what I want to do with my life. I came in to MIT ready to declare Course 7 or 20 in preparation for graduate school and then a career in biomedical research. I’ve discovered along the way, however, that this may not be the right fit for me, so now I’m exploring other options. Luckily, I’ve got a whole bunch of resources available to help me make a decision, which I hope to share with you as I go.
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