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Emiko P. '25

  • Course 2A
A head-and-shoulders illustrated portrait of Emiko. She has light skin, and long wavy brown hair. She is wearing a necklace and a dark tank top.


Hi, guys! My name is Emiko, but feel free to call me Emi :)

I’m from St. Louis, Missouri, am an attacking midfielder on the women’s soccer team, and am majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Product Development (2A-PD). I love many things here at MIT and beyond, but here are some of my favorites.

I love the women’s soccer team, Alpha Phi and everyone who lives in our house, and all the OG’s I met my very first few weeks on campus.

I love an Arby’s roast beef sandwich with two packets of Arby’s sauce, a glass of whole milk, fatty tuna sushi, and Pops cereal.

I love the stars, languages, and collecting new skills like manufacturing and coding.

I love our giant fabrication lab at MIT called Pappalardo, MISTI, and my beloved electric scooter that zips me around campus.

I love MIT’s varsity weight room, home games on Roberts Field, and winning the conference tournament (nearly) every year.

I love fantasy books with magic, sci-fi books with plot twists, and historical fiction books with happy endings.

You can catch all these things I love and more here in my blogs. I’m super excited to take you all along with me to the classroom, to my soccer games, and to all the other crazy adventures MIT has to offer!

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