A New Year and a New ‘Do by Bryan
bryan.mitblogs.com gets a little makeover.
So most people start off the new year with a new hairstyle, but since I don’t have that much hair to play around with, the next best thing is to give this here blog a new outfit for the new year. What do you think about the new look? Should I keep it like this or go back to the old version?
I give it TWO THUMBS UP!
Happy New Year!
hey it’s cute!
The new layout is great!
Very nice. Keep it, without a doubt.
Very cool. It matches your title very well!
Happy New Year!
Ahh…there it is.
I had to refresh a few times to see it. I was wondering about everyone’s positive comments because it looked the same to me. Duh. =)
I like it too. It’s good to shake things up every once in awhile.
Oh yeah, it is awesomeness!
That is an awesome tie.
Keep it…it rocks, matches your title and just sounds so TECH !
very nice
Interstate Infinity: the first highway I hope adopts me.
awesome…most definitely keep it!
very cool and matches the title!