"the blood moon rises and the blood moon falls but the wave of whimsy it brings is eternal" - my roommate
Just over two weeks ago, we dropped our Pi Day announcement with Jebby’s Blood Moon Fest blog post. That night, my roommate Anoushka read the blog and immediately told me that we had to make it real. Despite both of our busy schedules, we started scheming of red pies and balloons and some kind of sacrifice, obviously.
Planning began. What I had was two cans of red spray paint and one can of black (from Bad Ideas Weekend), some red and black balloons, a large flat cardboard box that once held a folding table, a giant BLOOD MOON FEST banner, and access to the Simmons ballpit. What I needed was supplies to make pies, something to hold the food, a sacrifice, and time.
I sent out the dormspam.

you can’t back out once you spam the dorms
A few days later, I decided to buy pre-made red velvet cookie dough instead of making pies. I took a trip to Target, which had the added bonus of being a great excuse to procrastinate studying for my two midterms. I also ordered a pink Among Us pinata on Amazon for the sacrifice. By some stroke of luck, I found a large cookie platter at Infinite Reuse, and so now, we had everything we needed for Blood Moon Fest.
The morning of, Anoushka and I got to work in the kitchen, but waiting for the oven to get ready was a bit boring. I commented on her cool key earrings, and suddenly, we were in the Simmons Crafts Lounge, searching for supplies to make Blood Moon Earrings. We tried melting wax first, but the red seals came out a bit small and nondescript. I went to check on the preheating, and though the oven was a toasty 350 degrees, the cookie tray was too big to fit. I hastily started up the other oven.

unbaked blood moon cookies <3
I returned to the Crafts Lounge and started scavenging for better earring material. I managed to find four miniature ornaments that we soon tinkered into two pairs of dangling earrings. However, when we victoriously returned to the kitchen, we found that I had somehow failed to preheat the oven, which was instead proclaiming that “Sabbath is on”. Anoushka worked some magic, and eventually we had the cookies in the oven. I rushed over to lunch, and then glassblowing, where I was sniped by Jeremy in all my Blood Moon Regalia.
When the time finally came, I bumped my dormspam, and Anoushka and I hauled all our Blood Moon Inventory to the front of the Stud. As we approached, familiar faces, including Jebby herself, started emerging from the people enjoying the beautiful day. And then, I suddenly realized the aforementioned people were here for Blood Moon Fest. After some Blood Moon Chanting and the indulgence of Blood Moon Cookies, Jebby took the first strike at our Among Us sacrifice, which I had spray-painted red and enhanced with black paint.
With the lack of any tools, we resorted to variations of stomping, kicking, and throwing the surprisingly resilient pinata. Someone blew up a balloon that we bounced around. A few brave souls took it upon themselves to paint some of the Simmons ballpit balls red in the image of the Blood Moon. More chanting occurred. The Among Us was stabbed. Many things became redder. The cookies were devoured. The event was chaotic and fun and confused many bystanders and it was perfect.
Enjoy a few action shots!
P.S. Neither Anoushka nor I watched the actual Blood Moon. Oops!