by C/4C Adam Fuhrmann '11, C/4C Patrick Ernst '11, and C/4C Daniel Darlington '11
[by C/4C Adam Fuhrmann ’11, C/4C Patrick Ernst ’11, and C/4C Daniel Darlington ’11]
This year, during spring break, Detachment 365 cadets Darlington, Ernst and Fuhrmann traversed the nation to a gathering of exceptional cadets from the Arnold Air Society (AAS). This event, known as the National Conclave (NATCON), was hosted in Chicago, IL this year and was dubbed CHICON. During the weekend these three intrepid cadets attended many AAS business sessions in order to pass resolutions and make decisions on behalf of the society.
During these sessions we had discussions with AFOATS Commander Major General Alfred K. Flowers as well as AFROTC Commander Colonel William R. Kunzweiler. We also witnessed a fantastic demonstration of the Air Force Drill Team, Hooahh! The Air Force Association hosted a luncheon for the cadets where we heard an incredible war story from a Vietnam Veteran Air Force pilot, and we watched our own Cadet Castonia receive the Northeast Region Outstanding Cadet of the Year Award. During the meetings we spoke with cadets from all over the country and swapped stories about our detachments and ROTC experiences. We gathered a lot of useful information and gained insight as to how we can improve our squadron and fulfill our goal as AAS cadets, which is to benefit society on behalf of the Air Force.
We voted on two issues of utmost importance while we were at CHICON. First, we voted for the Charles E. Yeager Squadron of West Virginia University to be the National Headquarters of Arnold Air Society for 2008-2009. This resolution passed after heated debate between those who admired the squadron for their aspiration and those who felt the squadron did not provide sufficient evidence of their ability to be an effective National Headquarters. Once the 2007-2008 National Staff unofficially endorsed the Charles E. Yeager Squadron, momentum swung in their favor, and they won the title of National Headquarters for the coming year. We also voted for the Arnold Air Society and Silver Wings National Conclave 2009 to be held in Phoenix, AZ. It will be known as FIESTACON and is sure to be every bit as fun and productive and a few degrees warmer than CHICON.
However, this trip was not all business. We had plenty of free time to spend as we pleased. Whether it was our exciting walk downtown in search of the best Chicago-style pizza place, or our jaw-dropping experience checking out Bentleys and Lamborghinis, we never felt like the meetings were eating up all of our time. Even during the times that we didn’t go out into the city we still had a blast. We regularly lounged around in our hotel room to watch the March Madness games, and watch our brackets get destroyed in the process. There was also a Conclave-wide on-site activity during which everybody got together to play all sorts of games and hang out. There was golf, basketball, music, a moon-bounce, arcade games, and much more. Overall, it was a fun and exciting experience that I wish everybody could have enjoyed.
Sweet! This was a great post, especially because I’m wavering between ROTC or not… But, as you show, cadets do get to travel and get plenty of personal connections. Hmmm…
And congrats to the WVU cadets! I interveiwed for my ROTC scholarship there, and their program is awesome! Hooooaah, indeed.