Class of 2018 Spring Welcome Events Come to Your Area by Kim Hunter '86
Get a head start on meeting other members of the Class of 2018.
I hope you’re all getting excited for Campus Preview Weekend coming up in April (sign up now)! Since I know you just can’t wait to meet other new MIT admits I want to let you know about some exciting opportunities for Admitted Students coming up in cities around the globe within the next few days. We’ve been working with our fantastic Educational Counselors and other great alumni to put together admitted student gatherings to help welcome you to MIT. Beginning this Saturday, MIT alumni from around the world will host parties in their hometowns for students admitted to the class of 2018. If there’s an event in your area, you should check it out – they’re a great opportunity to meet some potential future classmates, as well as MIT students and alumni. I still remember the one I attended in the Bay Area of California in the spring after I was admitted to MIT!
Here are a few highlighted events this coming week; see your MyMIT portal for the locations and times of these events, and for a comprehensive list of all of the events.
- Watch the sun set at an evening reception in Honolulu, HI (lucky you!).
- Enjoy a slice of deep-dish pizza in Chicago while listening to a special performance by the MIT Chorallaries, MIT’s oldest co-ed a capella group. (They are the group I sang with when I was an undergrad :-)
- Check out the Long Island High Tech Incubator with fellow admits from Long Island.
- From Ontario (or just passing through the big city)? Come to the Toronto reception tonight.
- Meet other students and alumni from the Pacific Northwest while eating Bangers and Mash at a favorite Irish restaurant in the Seattle area.
- Live in the Lone Star State? Check out our Thursday gatherings in Austin or San Antonio tonight.
- Swinging by the Big Apple this weekend? Come to one of our largest admitted student meetings in NYC.
- Visit the International Culinary School at the Art Institute of Indianapolis at this afternoon reception in Indiana.
But these are just a few so be sure to check the listing on your MyMIT account for the most up to date information and RSVP if requested.
There is a whole MIT community that can’t wait to meet you. Congratulations and welcome!