Come Visit! by Hamsika C. '13
I promise we'll be nice.
A couple weeks ago, an excited exclamation was heard, as one of my roommates (Jeanne ’13) discovered that she’d be hosting a prefrosh. In quick succession, her Facebook status was updated, Google-stalking was initiated, and room cleanliness was given serious consideration.
Around 3 pm yesterday, Jeanne’s phone rang and we went to meet our overnight guest (who was suitably impressed by our vanilla-scented plug-in air freshener). And then we played host!
In the course of 24 hours, our visitor got a glimpse of sorority life at MIT, witnessed some pre-test tension (and post-test sluggishness), watched MIT Symphony Orchestra rehearse, attended classes, and wandered all about the MIT campus, past Athena clusters, through the Infinite, and into the tunnels.
She seemed pretty happy when she left:
(L-R: Jeanne, Jeanne’s prefrosh)
Which in turn really makes me wish I’d visited more colleges while applying last year. As awesome as these blogs are, there’s only so much you can gather from small black letters pasted against an artificially-lit screen. Could I have seen the smoke that filled my floor after an effort to microwave a bagel pizza went terribly astray? Could I have chatted with the marathon runners, pageant winners, Intel finalists, RSI/WTP alumni that I’ve lived and learned with these past few weeks? Could I have witnessed first-hand the hilarious jigs my professors perform to demonstrate level curves and rotational modes?
Not really.
So the moral of the story is: COME VISIT. Discover the various pains and pleasures of MIT for yourself, and give me a chance to play host again! There’s always something going on at MIT, so any time is a good time to visit.
And if you really can’t make it, no worries. I lived vicariously through the blogs last year; I wouldn’t say it’s a bad thing :)
I would have loved to, esp. knowing all the fun all of you are upto…….but I’m far away in India too….keeping my fingers crossed LOl…..
Ohh Snap!!! I can’t believe that people still say “Ohh Snap”!!! Are you sure that you weren’t born around 1980ish? JK. We will be on the lookout for your MITES application marked “Anonymous”.
COME VISIT. I will gladly host you. Unless you’re a guy. Tough luck, guys.
Aww, it makes me sad to be in Ohio. I really wanna come.
And “first”, I think.
Haha. =) Great post. Though I’m in Malaysia.
i wish i could come…but my mom’s like only when your accepted..so i better be accepted so i can live with you guys and see how life really is at MIT.
@ Jeanne:
You, sexist you.
I get to host a prefrosh in a week or two, good times.
Hi Guys ..I’m thinking of MIT as a college
can you please guide me …i think i lost track of this site ….
I visited at the end of September, but the cops kept trying to get me for sleeping in the lounge (the was no room in my host’s room), also, they tried to get me for trespassing since I didn’t have an MIT ID. >.I visited at the end of September, but the cops kept trying to get me for sleeping in the lounge (the was no room in my host’s room), also, they tried to get me for trespassing since I didn’t have an MIT ID. >.< Luckily, my host sorted all that out, and I had a great time. The tunnels rock, the glass shop rocks, Killian Court rocks, Next and EC rock, and the professors especially rock. Eric Lander really got me thinking about Bio again. Believe me, if you can go, you should.
I visited at the end of September, but the cops kept trying to get me for sleeping in the lounge (the was no room in my host’s room), also, they tried to get me for trespassing since I didn’t have an MIT ID. Luckily, my host sorted all that out, and I had a great time. The tunnels rock, the glass shop rocks, Killian Court rocks, Next and EC rock, and the professors especially rock. Eric Lander really got me thinking about Bio again. Believe me, if you can go, you should.
(don’t know why that last part didn’t submit)
Ohh snap I think I know that girl your roommate hosted.
Pretty cool stuff… I visited over the summer, and I’ve developed an obsession. Let’s hope I get into MITES this year!
Well, I’m planning on visiting – which I’m quite looking forward to. Unfortunately…I still haven’t gotten details yet, despite it being a couple (read:3) weeks since I submitted my application. T_T
kewl post.. though i cant visit MIT (i stay in India)… its really fun to imagine wat its gonna be like at MIT next year [:)]
Hey, I would totally host a guy! Unfortunately, that’s against dorm protocol. :p
The Overnight Program is free, of course! You’ve got to get yourself here, but there’s no charge for staying overnight in a student’s room.
It all sounds amazing, but I’d have to ask, how much is it? Reality is that it’s too expensive for me (or anyone else with financial issues) to buy an airplane ticket, pay for spending the night, etc.
I don’t mean to be a party pooper and reject your invitation, but it’s something to be considered.
It does sadden me that chances are low for me. DX
I got a round trip ticket for 230$, and paid it myself. I figured that even if I didn’t get in, I would still at least have seen the place…
Hey Mike are you the prefrosh I took to pika and East Campus?*
Yes, visit, we love showing people around
*He will probably not read this.
Yeah, I am lizs ^_^ Thank you so much much for that, I had such at great time at both.
Too bad I’m an international student. =(
I’m getting anxious, I submitted a form a few weeks ago and haven’t heard anything. My requested dates were at the end of this week (the 21st). Is this normal or should I resubmit?
Oh, I really want to visit. Overnight college visits are so fun. I have to be here every Saturday though and I can’t miss school, so I will just hope and pray that I get in so I can come to CPW!
oh !!!! I am in India………:( :(
I would love to go visit as well but I’m wondering whether visiting before or after the acceptance letters come in would be better.
P.S. I live in Alaska =)
hmm, I want to stay overnight. I applied well over a month ago, and still haven’t heard back. My first choice was this past Sunday to yesterday and my next choice begins this Sunday. Are they normally this slow getting back to you about the stay, or do I just need to pick new dates and try again?
@ John,
I’m glad to hear you’re coming to visit MIT! I asked about your particular application for an overnight stay; you should be getting an email with details soon – actually, you’ve probably already gotten it
where can i find the form for fee waiver of application fee.
plz help me out.
hello,I’m Ranadeep from Indian in 11th Grade now and i think you got my email if no, please check ur MIT emai inbox !!. please reply to it soon as possible,im waiting very eagerly for it.
Kindly answer the following queries
Here in India, schools are a formality in Classes 11th and 12th. The IIT-JEE and AIEEE entrance examination syllabi is a lot different from what the CBSE or State syll. prescribes in the school for Classes 11th and 12th. To prepare for the IIT and AIEEE examinations, most of the students go for private tutorials. The attendance in school is a formality. As a result, the Extra- Curricular chart falls down in Classes 11th and 12th as most of the activities are organized by school. Olympiads etc are an exception as even private participation is allowed. How does your selection committee view this scenario ??
Im very good at sports and other extra curricular activities till my 9th standard but never participated in National competitions because i never knew that those are really useful for this College admissions and now i regret for that . i have my school sports certificates but i dont know if they are of any use to me.
Are u a indian citizen admitted in MIT for bachelors or u have done ur High school studies in USA too ?
Please reply me .. please help this Indian brother : )
hello,I’m Ranadeep from Indian in 11th Grade now and i think you got my email if no, please check ur MIT emai inbox !!. please reply to it soon as possible,im waiting very eagerly for it.
Kindly answer the following queries
Here in India, schools are a formality in Classes 11th and 12th. The IIT-JEE and AIEEE entrance examination syllabi is a lot different from what the CBSE or State syll. prescribes in the school for Classes 11th and 12th. To prepare for the IIT and AIEEE examinations, most of the students go for private tutorials. The attendance in school is a formality. As a result, the Extra- Curricular chart falls down in Classes 11th and 12th as most of the activities are organized by school. Olympiads etc are an exception as even private participation is allowed. How does your selection committee view this scenario ??
Im very good at sports and other extra curricular activities till my 9th standard but never participated in National competitions because i never knew that those are really useful for this College admissions and now i regret for that . i have my school sports certificates but i dont know if they are of any use to me.
Are u a indian citizen admitted in MIT for bachelors or u have done ur High school studies in USA too ?
Please reply me .. please help this Indian brother : )
hey guys i study in india and i am in12th grade.i wanna join mit.can someone plz guide me ….?