CPW: Tips and Tricks by Bryan
Hitchhikers Guide to Campus Preview Weekend
Here are a few tips to making the best of your CPW experience.
Rule #1: If you’re paying for your food, you’re doing something wrong.
Campus Preview Weekend is full with free food all over campus. Open houses, free pizza, liquid nitrogen ice cream, donuts, dinners at fraternities. So keep the cash in your wallet for your MIT sweatshirt.
Rule #2: If you’re sleeping, you’re also doing something wrong.
There is so much going on, and I don’t remember getting much sleep whether it was checking out another aspect of MIT or talking to the potential students.
Rule #3: Talk to people, prefrosh and current students alike.
I think the best part of CPW for me was talking to other prefrosh getting to know the people that I would be going to school with for four years. I also had a lot of questions about MIT and what it was like here. Ask people tough questions, and if you aren’t satisfied with the answer, ask someone else.
Rule #4: Explore the campus.
Walk around the campus. The fact that you’re a prefrosh is like an open door to visit labs, classes, and get exposed to everything that MIT has to offer. Relish in it.
Rule #5: Don’t knock it ’til you try it.
I can’t say how many things I would have missed out on if I had not kept an open mind. I really took CPW as an opportunity to explore things that I had not seen before. So don’t judge a book by it’s cover, and take a chance to try something new.
Rule #6: Pack for the weather.
I forgot my umbrella during my CPW. Not awesome. So pack a jacket and check the weather before you get here.
Rule # 7: HAVE FUN. If you’re not having fun, something is not right.
CPW is one of the most fun times of the year, so please have fun. And lots. Thanks :^)
That’s all I can think of right now, but if you have any questions, feel free to post comments and ask questions about CPW and I’ll answer them here on the blog.
See you all on Thursday!
Thanks for the tips! I’m so pumped for CPW, but I’m also paranoid I’m going to screw *something* up somehow. But now I am READY! Wooo!
Your blogs always seem to be as cheerful as your picture, I’m going to keep an open mind! Maybe I’ll even sign up for that DJ thing, why not mm?
Where do we arriving CPW attendees gather to? Is there a “prefrosh pickup” spot?
I love Rule 1. Especially because, literally ten minutes ago, I was trying to explain to my mom how much free food there was going to be…she didn’t get it.
You know what’s missing in that schedule? THERE’S NO WHERE TO GO FOR A FREE CAFFEINE FIX. At least not that I know of. We seriously need one. Maybe like a coffee-drinking event? lol
Thanks Bryan! I cannot WAIT haha!
Hahaha you’re right, Milena. Then I guess the only things I’ll be spending my money on are my MIT sweatshirt and coffee haha I’ll definitely need it, considering I don’t plan on sleeping :D
it seems like everyday more and more people use the “’11” after their name.
man i cant wait!!!
CPW yipee!!! and it’s a shame about the cafine thing. So who’s up for midnight frisbee? CPW is going to be great! Any suggestions on questions you think we should ask but probably will forget to ask?
hey guys- anyone having trouble with the whole homework situation? Hmmm… CPW isn’t gonna leave any time for that. Awww well, I’ve got over 100% in math anyway, I don’t ahve to turn in these 5 homework assignments right?
I’m totally used to Miami weather so I have no clue what to bring for the weather at MIT. Do I need a jacket? gloves? boots? 17 layers of clothing? a portable sun??
<li>Paranoia XP at Midnight</li>
<li>The “Firehose” Sessions</li>
<li>”Meet the Bloggers”</li>
<li>Any video-game party that has “guitar hero”!</li>
woops! I meant to post that here.
Tabbed browsing is great, but sometimes I confuse blog posts
A jacket, sweatshirt, and shoes that you don’t mind getting wet would be a good idea.
– Bryan
Great tips and tricks, and fine to read
I think main is the 7th one (probably because #7 is my lucky number