Giving Back (Guest Entry) by Hamsika C. '13
Guest Entry by Kenny '13
So it’s pretty interesting if you take a step back and look at your life for a second. Whether you’re a current senior and getting excited for CPW, a current undergrad and getting excited for CPW, or a prospective student who will one day be excited for your CPW, we all have a lot to be grateful for.
That’s something that this semester has really taught me: all that I have to be grateful for. I’ve got a great set of friends here at MIT who take care of me in times of ups and downs; there is an abundance of opportunities here at MIT to grow and learn more, professionally, academically, and personally; and more than anything, I am having such a great time here.
My name is Kenny Lam, and I’m a current sophomore here for Physics and Computer Science. In addition to academics, I spend a lot of my time working with the community around here: I work with the Leadership Training Institute to help high school kids learn to be leaders, I am part of Camp Kesem with Hamsika, working to make the most amazing camp experience for kids whose parents have or have had cancer, and I am also a brother of Zeta Beta Tau here at MIT, working to help the community in a brand new way.
I’ve taken this opportunity with my brotherhood to throw a really unique fundraiser: we’re going to be rolling a giant rainbow ball that’s 6′ in diameter across campus. Our sponsors are willing to donate money per signature toward our cause: the Children’s Hospital Boston, one of the leading hospitals in the nation, and patients from all across the country come just to get their pediatric care. All we need from you is your signature! That’s literally all we’re asking for from you: your simple signature will be raising almost 50 cents for this great cause!
Come out and help us support the Children’s Hospital Boston: it’s a chance to see some MIT creativity put towards helping the community.
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Wow! That’s a great idea. Unfortunately, I can’t give my signature in person, living a few thousand miles from Boston, so you can try telling them that this comment counts as my signature!
yay! c: