Happy Pi Day! by Bryan
Just a little humor to keep us all smiling.
HAPPY PI DAY (the favorite holiday of all mathematicians everywhere!)
Sing this little tune if you want to impress your friends.
Oh Number Pi
Oh, number Pi
Oh, number Pi
Your digits are unending,
Oh, number Pi
Oh, number Pi
No pattern are you sending.
You’re three point one four one five nine,
And even more if we had time,
Oh, number Pi
Oh, number Pi
For circle lengths unbending.
Oh, number Pi
Oh, number Pi
You are a number very sweet,
Oh, number Pi
Oh, number Pi
Your uses are so very neat.
There’s 2 Pi r and Pi r squared,
A half a circle and you’re there,
Oh, number Pi
Oh, number Pi
We know that Pi’s a tasty treat.
(to the tune of “Oh Christmas Tree”)
Thanks to: (http://www.winternet.com/~mchristi/piday.html)
Lol, love the song. Is it true that pi day is also Einstein’s birthday?
is it true that the universe came into existence on pi day?
Awesome song
). Yes Einstein was born on 3.14, but I can’t say anything sure about the world 
At my school, the math department sells pie on pi day to raise money…yummm!! We rounded down this year (3/1) because we have CSAPs today, but it is always a fun day!
That song is awesome!
HAPPPY Pi Day everybody!!!
The song is most awesome indeed. Now if only our world had 14 months, that way we would have Pi Day twice a year (international format)
Oh man. If only I knew about this song! My friends would have been glad to hear something other than awesomely awesome calculus jokes all day. Or maybe not.
lol…cool song. Is it true that theres also going to be a full moon and a partial lunar eclipse on pi day? If so thats going to make pi day that much pi’licious. =D
Cool song!
How can I translate the foreign income tax return??
[email protected]
According to Wikipedia (see the link on my name), there is a penumbral lunar eclipse today, from about 4:30 to 8:00 Eastern. Since it’s only penumbral, the moon won’t turn black, but it’ll be a little darker…
I was told that there’s another pi song to the tune of “american pie” that’s something like
Pi, pi
Mathematical pi
… but I don’t know it.
Though I surely do love pi, Key Lime has claimed my heart today. Happy belated pi day!
Have you ever heard of the parody of “867-5309/Jenny” called “3.14159?” The only recording I could find of it is pretty awful, but the parody is good.
My calc class last year sang a parody to the same tune called “Oh Calculus”…
Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus,
How tough are both your branches.
Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus,
To pass, what are my chances?
Derivatives I cannot take,
At integrals my fingers shake.
Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus,
How tough are both your branches.
Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus,
Your theorems I can’t master.
Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus,
My proofs are a disaster.
You pull a trick out of the air,
Or find a reason, God knows where.
Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus,
Your theorems I can’t master.
Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus,
Your problems do distress me.
Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus,
Related rates depress me.
I walk toward lampposts in my sleep,
And running water makes me weep.
Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus,
Your problems do distress me.
Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus,
My limit I am reaching.
Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus,
For mercy I’m beseeching.
my grades do not approach a B,
They’re just an epsilon from D.
Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus,
My limit I am reaching.
Hey, thanks Nicole.
That really brought a smile to my face.
it’s great! =) i was very sad and depressed, but that made me smile again =)
Would you post them? or, please, send them to me on n_toleva/at/abv/dot/bg
?????? please, please, please =)
I have that song (along with some other mathematical Christmas carols)!