hihi i’m back by Anika H. '26
featuring all my favorite excuses
i’m gonna keep this short so i can get to posting real content again :p
Reasons why I was gone from the internet last semester:
- drowning in writing
Last semester I tried to get all my writing requirements out of the way by taking two CI-Ms (communication intensive class in the major) and a CI-H(communications intensive class in humanities) that resulted in way too many essays for my liking. On the bright side, I didn’t have any final exams so I got to go back home early for the break and visit my old teachers while high-school was still in session. But basically I used up all my writing braincells that I usually save for the blogs and didn’t have too much content left in me. Next semester, I’ll be taking hardcore technicals, so I’m going back to farting on the internet again.i still can’t believe i was actually given a platform for my garbage
- technological issues
For most of the past few months, my 10-year old ipad that I usually draw with started having worse battery problems to the point where it got unusable. Every time I took it out of my bag to try and draw, I’d have to charge it for half an hour, and by then I would have had another class or gotten distracted by Tetazoo tea time. At one point, Jebby tried to make me try drawing with MS Paint, and it was the second to worst art experience of my life, topped only by that one time i tried to draw in the rain and my notebook molded overnight. It’s seriously impressive drawing properly using a trackpad. Anyways, art is very very critical to blogs. My writing is far from a literary masterpiece, and I like pretty pictures. I finally got a new ipad over winter break though, so we are back in business. - a disconnect of sorts?
Anika the blogger is kind of a persona I’ve crafted. All the blogs I put out are real stories and parts of my life, but it doesn’t encapsulate my experience at MIT as a whole.somebody told me that i draw myself less realistically than i draw other people.
For the past while, everything I could have written about would have seemed a weird and out of character, or at least been uninteresting. Out of all the human worries, I think I’ve only touched on academic stress and a bit of grief. The one time I tried to post something a little deeper, I abstracted it so much to the point people didn’t really understand, and for the next several months, I felt waves of physical cringe wash over me whenever I saw the post. In the end, I committed the cardinal sin of deleting a blog post (sorry Petey). I really admire the bloggers who really pour their entire hearts out, and they have some of the best writing I have read here. I just don’t really have the balls to do that. The blogs are, after all, for the entire internet. This includes people I don’t know, and worse, people I do know who know me. Some of my clowns are to remain in the closet.
A list of mildly interesting things that have happened in the meantime:
- I caught my second mouse with my bare hands at MIT
- played radio games for the first time
- shot a real pistol
- dressed up as a character who dressed up as a gnome for halloween
- weaponized a single roach
- rode in the bed of a pickup truck
- did 2 fireshows
- pet kittens in real life for the first time (THEY WERE SMOL AND CUTE AND OH GOD THEY WERE TINY) – one of my friends left his car window open and found a mama cat and three babies the next morning
- exited an elevator to a stampede of tetazoans having a potato sack race
- made some leather armor
- found an icicle in the wild
- rode a canoe

i am officially in my twenties now, and i’m not sure how to feel about that — aside from old and feeling the automatically programmed midlife crisis begin.
happy whatever you celebrate!