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Please note: MIT and the admissions office will be closed Monday, February 17, for Presidents’ Day, and will open on Tuesday, February 18.

MIT student blogger Bryan O. '07

It’s not every day… by Bryan

lunch with a celebrity

…that you get invited to have lunch with the president of MIT.


President Hockfield periodically has lunch with a small group of 4 – 6 graduate and undergraduate students. She very much hopes that you available to join her as part of the next group on Friday, November 18 at noon.

The group will gather in Dr. Hockfield’s reception area in 3-208 at noon, and then walk over together to the Forbes Cafe at Stata.

I do hope that you can be a part.

Kirk Kolenbrander
Senior Advisor to the President

Now it’s not every day that you have such an opportunity, but I’m really grateful that the president of MIT is taking time out of her day to stand in long lines in the Stata Center, and have lunch with students give their honest opinion about different dimensions of MIT.

Now Mollie was also at the lunch. Now I hope to motivate how statistically significant it is that TWO bloggers were invited to have lunch with her.

~10,000 students
9 student bloggers
0.0001 chance that one blogger will be selected
(0.0001)^2 chance that two bloggers will be selected

Among other topics we discussed with President Hockfield, we actually discussed the blogs and how they’re reshaping how MIT presents itself to the outside.

And even though it was a very small chance that two bloggers would be invited to have lunch, there was clearly a 100% chance that there would be a photo =)

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