July 4th Pictorial by Bryan
So where did I decide to watch the fireworks from?
C! The MIT Sailing Pavillion
Now I’ll tell you why, after I show you everything else.
Generic picture of the boats lined up on the Charles River for the fireworks.
If you look close enough, you can see the barge responsible for all the excited electrons in the sky.
I stopped by Ashdown (grad dorm) for free barbecue.
I don’t like taking pictures of myself while eating, but I don’t mind taking pictures of other people while THEY’RE eating.
People hanging out at the Sailing Pavillion.
Social commentary:
If we only have two holidays that are celebrated with a vast amount of fireworks, why does my camera have a fireworks setting?
…Cue fireworks photos.
Now this is what they don’t show you on TV, part of the barge actually went up in flames.
Remember, you saw it here first.
Wow, those pictures look amazing! You have a great camera to be able to capture fireworks in such a cool way.
hey bryan ! im a great fan of your blog..im from chennai , india btw. amazing snaps !! what camera do you use ?? never seen firework snaps like that though !!
Hey Atul,
I used my Canon SD500 for these photos.
– Bryan
Yeah, my Canon SD450 (which I won at the raffle at the Danceathon; you should all come next year [haha shameless plug?]) has a fireworks setting too. It’s pretty sweet.
i thought of another use. i’ll have fireworks at my bday party and you can be the official photographer.
two holidays? which ones are they? (independence day and…)
Heh, I ate at Ashdown too. And it rained on my veggie burger.
The fireworks were pretty sweet.