Let the Rush Begin by Bryan
On Greek Life at MIT.
So here’s my introduction to Greek Life here at MIT.
MIT has 26 fraternities and 5 sororities. The fraternities make up the Interfraternity Council, and the 5 sororities make up the Panhellenic Association.
When I came to MIT for CPW, I didn’t really understand what fraternities were outside of what I’d watched in movies, and I didn’t really plan on joining one at all either.
I remember coming to MIT as a freshman and hearing everyone talking about fraternity rush and free food and all these really cool events, and I must admit the allure of steak and lobster dinners did grab my attention.
What I did manage to learn about fraternities over the course of the year was that at MIT, they’re not like what the movies or the media often portray them as. I, myself, actually ended up finding a house that I felt really at home at, and ended up joining ZBT.
Now with most things at MIT, I would suggest anyone to just check out fraternities and make up their own opinion of them. With anything, people react differently in different situations and feel comfortable in certain environments. A free meal or an outing to go paintballing is always also fun as well.
Now here we are in September, rush began on Saturday afternoon with the Greek Griller where all the fraternities, independent living groups (ILGs) and the Panhellenic Association were all there either trying to invite freshmen to their events in the case of fraternities and ILGs or encouraging freshmen to register for recruitment in the case of Panhel.
Waiting for the Greek Griller to begin.
At the Greek Griller
Rush started off for us on Saturday with a luau followed by steak and lobster dinner then casino night where we gave out iPods and XBOXes.
Sunday, we went rock climbing, dim summing, ihopping, and F1 racing.
Monday, we built potato cannons, went canoeing, and played pool at Jillians.
A double piggy-back ride.
Tuesday was more low key with a day out bowling, a roofdeck bbq, and then a LAN party.
Wednesday, we went off to mini-golf.
Rush is always a really awesome time because I’m able to bond with my fraternity brothers and help bring in a new awesome class to share the house with. It’s also a period of little sleep. I’ve slept maybe 20 hours in the past 5 days. At the close of rush, I will be vacationing in an undisclosed location for three days so I’ll be able to catch up on all the sleep I lost.
Questions on Greek Life or ILGs? Leave me a comment or send me email, [email protected].
On behalf of my floor, I’d like to thank you for the ZBT xbox we now have