Life as an Artist by Cydnie T. '12
things I discovered about myself as it relates to the artsy stuff I have in my life...
Let me begin by telling you the actual title of this blog… “Things I Discovered About Myself as it Relates to the Artsy Stuff I Have in My Life…”. But “Life as an Artist” has a better ring to it, don’t you think?? lol
As usual, my thoughts come out as bullet points so in the following, I will talk about some of the things that “ART IS…” for me (or my friends).
art is …MUSIC
i <3 GosCho (MIT Gospel Choir) !! This year will be my fourth year with this group/family/community and it has been a blast! To make matters even better, I learned a lot about music (which I wasn’t familiar with before).
- I also get the chance to sing at my church (Pentecostal Tabernacle). This makes Boston just a little more like home.
- A few of my friends are in a band at MIT that is affectionately known as Love and a Sandwich. They are new on the MIT scene but their sound is phenomenal.
- Other friends are involved in a capella groups on campus like the Cross Products, the
Logarhythms, and (my favorites) the Chorallaries.
art is … (well) ART lol
So … next weekend is going to be SUPER exciting! One of my best friends is hosting an art
opening/expedition entitled “A Noble Savage”(check it out if you are in the area this
weekend). All the art is his own and amazing (see more of his cool art here). His art is even
more impressive for me because I haven’t quite graduated from the handy dandy stick figure
:) lol - I am a PRO at stick figures. Just wanted to show you some of my handywork :)
art is … DANCE
A few more of my friends love to dance and joined MochaMovesDanceSquad. Mocha Moves is an MIT dance crew that promotes urban-style hip-hop dance. They dance and compete in the Boston area and have plenty fun doing it.
art is …POETRY
Every semester, one of the male living groups on campus, Chocolate City, host an open mic
night and invite all the talent they can find from both MIT and the Boston-area to perform.
This event, iLL Vibes, is one of my favorite times because I not only get to hear live music,
but I get a chance to experience amazing poetry and spoken word.
art is …
The grooviest thing about all this art, is that this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the awesome artsy things you can see around campus. There are tons more groups, events, and fun lurking around every corner here.
ta ta for now :)
likin’ the stick figures. And I love the music and singing at MIT!
groovy indeed.
I will be glad to be part of the students in the compus and the life style there