merry christmas from MIT and my newsfeed by Anastassia B. '16
a snapshot of holiday cheer from cambridge to new zealand
It is standard practice to leave MIT as quickly as possible upon finishing finals, with some students bringing their luggage and boarding passes to exams. Whether this speaks to ultimate time-management skills or the urgent desire to leave this place whenever possible is subject to personal interpretation. Although we technically only have ~120/365 days (33% of annual time) where we go to class, typically weekends and days off are dedicated to “catching up” on work and usually IAP and Summer are spent somewhat-to-completely productively. This leaves only the two weeks (3% of annual time) of winter break as a truly reliable time to relax. See more: The eye of the storm.
This christmas, I decided to un-wind by kicking back at my bench space–newly unwrapped box of pipette tips in hand–and whip up some experiments at my total leisure. Aaahhhh.
Since I’m still here for a few days, my flexible family is just rearranging the calendar so Christmas falls on New Year’s day instead. We’ve done this on occassion when we are confused whether to go with Russian or American traditions, or when parents don’t have their presents ready. Timeliness and preparation are the keys to success said no one in my family ever, except maybe DJ Khaled.
Scrolling through my facebook feed, I was clobbered with holiday cheer from my fellow undergraduate friends, who have gone to home to their families or to otherwise aesthetic destinations. I *present* to you, newsfeed style, a snapshot of recent MIT festivities curated from my social media.
Seeing all of these photos made my heart swell with fond memories of the friendships formed here, whether ephemeral or forever. They also remind me of great diversity of past and futures which intersect at MIT– all the beautiful places people come from (literally) and are going to (metaphorically). I’m grateful to be part of this eclectic, thoughtful, dazzling, suprising, diligent, and hilarious community <3 So happy chrismahanakwanzucollegeappska everyone!
//authors note: ensuring permissions for photos + captions to be included maybe ☆