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Open Thread: Not Admitted by Decisions

There were many incredible applicants to the MIT Class of 2029, which unfortunately means that we had to turn down some great students. Sometimes when you shoot for the moon, you miss, but that doesn’t discount the bravery it took to try.

The comments on this post are an open forum for those of you who want to talk with us, shake it off, and get back up again. We ask that you converse civilly and with the best of intentions, even though this may be a difficult time for you, as that is the spirit of these blogs and our whole process.

Remember that you will survive, even thrivewherever you go; whatever you do. Stove-cook your oatmealdo things that make you happy, and keep taking one step at a time.

If Moon was Cookie, it wouldn’t be fineBecause if me ate it, then it wouldn’t shineMe come to the window and look up at nightBut no little moonbeams would give me the lightSo me not like to say it, but it clear to meIt lucky that Moon is not a cookie