Put a Ring On It by Hamsika C. '13
About three hours ago, a large majority of the MIT Class of 2013 filed into Kresge Auditorium for one of the most awesome events of this semester: RING PREMIERE!!!
Many of you may know this already, but for those who don’t: the MIT class ring (a.k.a. Brass Rat) is not only one of the most recognized rings in the world but also pretty much the single item with which every MIT student hopes to graduate (aside from a diploma, of course). Its been known to help MIT students snag internships, land jobs, receive timely help from strangers, and earn solid respect. Our Brass Rats show the world how proud we are of our school <3
Earlier this evening, the Class of 2013 Ring Committee unveiled the 2013 Brass Rat design; thanks to Jeanne ’13, I have some pictures to show all of you :)
As we walked to our classes this morning, we saw the following, sitting demurely on the steps of 77 Mass Ave:
From that moment on, the excitement and anticipation only grew. I struggled to pay attention through my classes and focus on my UROP. I distracted myself briefly with a 30 minute nap and a trip to the grocery store. But when 7:00 pm rolled around, I gave up and left the warmth of my dorm to line up with the other ’13s outside of Kresge Auditorium.
I love my class. All the yelling. The cheering. The laughing. The clapping.
Without further ado ~ I present to you all the 2013 MIT Brass Rat:
Do you see the “13” in the branch the beaver’s holding? And maybe an ‘IHTFP’ cleverly inserted somewhere? And the 8 ivy leaves (haha, get it?) our beaver happens to be standing on?”
Props to our amazing RingComm:
And now, all I need to do is find the money to pay for one:
Sigh…it’s so worth it.
[All photo credit in this entry goes to Jeanne ’13 – thank you, Jeanne!]
Thanks so much for this. Besides the “Brass Rat” thats my boy up there and it was so nice to have photos of this event.
The 14k Medium Ring is $666…Dios Mios!
Haha, love the Ivy Leaves.
I know 10K, 14K, and 18K are gold, but I’ve never heard of the materials called Celestrium, BI, or BPS before. Do MIT students know what they are?
Congrats! At least the price differential is less than last year’s…
Another thing to look forward to if I go to MIT!!! :]
BPS is a silver alloy, BI is a gold alloy and Celestrium is jeweler’s stainless steel.
I remember during my EC interview, I saw my EC wearing his ring. Just when he was showing me out of his house after an exciting 90 minute interview, I simply couldn’t contain myself any longer and asked him if I could have a closer look. I’m not certain, but I think his eyes misted over.
Congratulations, on getting and winning your ring!
Damn that’s an ugly Brass Rat.
Nice design, but I’m surprised by the prices! My small 14K ring 9 years ago was only in the $260ish range.
It took me about a minute of staring at the branch to see the 13.
Clever use of negative space!
Tim looks really sharp in the picture above!
Hope you get a very nice ring~
I like the wood boards that spell MIT. Most if not all the past Brass Rat rings were displayed at the MIT Museam last year. Are they always on display or was that a temporary exhibit? Very interesting to read what goes into the design. What’s the 4 leaf clover for? Who actually sketches the concept?
No clue about the MIT Museum. The four-leaf clover is to counter the superstitiously unlucky connotation of the number thirteen.
I don’t know how RingComm actually works but I’m pretty sure they have tons of meetings and come up with the design together. I’m guessing they send a design to the manufacturer to get it rendered.
@Hamsika: you’re welcome
This ring is almost more epic than my The Amores!
Salvete discipuli!