Seatbelts, Everyone! by Alina G. '11
Interrupting Radio Silence...
…for a little trip down memory lane. What inspired this sudden broadcast? Today’s xkcd!:
Randall Munroe = zeitgeist-capturing genius . He speaks the truth. (for those confused, i must point you to the wikipedia link embedded above…)
More importantly, however, let’s discuss “The Magic School Bus.” (why yes, my generation does love reminiscing about the television of our youth. guilty as charged). Because I graduated a little over a week ago, I feel compelled to at least pretend I have some salient advice to give. But I really think Ms. Frizzle summed it up best when she said “Take chances! Make mistakes! Get messy.” I’ll add to that only two things.
One : If you’ve got a Ms. Frizzle in your life, don’t be afraid to take advantage of that resource (and thank them afterwards). Awesome teachers/professors/mentors/role models are often awesome because they love questions and interacting with students, so don’t be shy!
Two : While you may not navigate a nostril, or surf through a river of lava with your classmates (like they do on the magic school bus), they are incredibly important. No one goes through MIT (or any school) alone; the help and camaraderie and collaboration with friends will see you through even your worst IHTFP moment.
That’s about all I’ve got for advice. Stay tuned ’til next time when I switch to oversees correspondent. (ok so I’m already in Germany. but next time I’ll talk about it!)
MAN OH MAN that xkcd is for real my favorite of all time.
I miss educational programming from back in the 80’s like Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, Captain Kangaroo and Picture Pages. So much better than the junk they show on TV nowadays.