it's awesome, possum!
There’s a trampoline in Simmons!!!!

Trampoline!!!! and also the ping pong table that is now less cool in comparison
I live in Simmons Hall. For the last few weeks, large boxes have been sitting in the lobby, and 2 days ago they were finally unpacked. Inside was a TRAMPOLINE!!1!
I love trampolines. I can’t do flips or anything particularly cool on one, except jump really high. My family used to have one in our backyard in Indiana that we got from our neighbors and I adored it so…until it started rubbing off and making my feet black. There’s this video my parents will randomly send me of little me and my cousins on our trampoline (which was only supposed to have like 2 kids at a time but we put around 8). My dad tells all of us to take a turn doing something cool for the camera, but on my turn I just rolled around and flopped on the floor. Not one of my best moments.
The Simmons trampoline is a great example of MIT Government in action. Every dorm has its own dorm government system, with a House President and Chair, as well as chairs for everything you could imagine. Simmons has a Woodshop Chair, a Crafts Chair, a Gym Chair, a Frosh and Events chair, and even a slushy chair (the result of a proposal, discussed below).
Even if you are not part of house government, you can still attend the house meeting every other Sunday, where we discuss changes and events at Simmons, as well as allow anyone the chance to propose a way to spend Simmons funds. Sometimes it’s for things like supplies for the crafts room, or a new piece of gym equipment, or a $1500 massage chair (that didn’t pass). Someone suggested getting a Simmons trampoline, and it passed in the house meeting. And now it’s in the lobby! It really is that easy.
I made a proposal at the last house meeting to buy a drum set for the MPR [multipurpose room] where we have house meetings and watch movies some time. There’s already a grand piano in there, so a drum set would be a great addition. I also brought a janky portable drum set a few weeks ago to practice for Cru Boston01 BLOG COMING SOON , and I heard from many people that they liked having a drumset in there. My proposal was positively met, but I failed to consider the cost of drumsticks, a drum rug, or cymbals, which are apparently not included with the set and are MAD expensive.
I also need to confirm that getting a drumset is OK with the house manager. Apparently, a few years ago a proposal was passed to get an ice cream machine for Simmons, but the plumbing to install it would be a nightmare, so there’s an unused ice cream machine in the Simmons basement somewhere. I have yet to confirm that the drumset is OK with the manager, so that proposal will not be shown tonight.
House government positions last for one calendar year and are re-elected every December. Tonight02 Well, not really <em>tonight</em>, more like on sunday night and i was too busy to post this blog is the re-election night, and me and my friend, Noah R. ‘27 were nominated to run for Social Chairs. As social chairs, we will be responsible for the Simmons Lounges and hosting social events at Simmons.
The Lounge system is where Simmons residents (often called Simms) can create a group and receive funding to do whatever they want with.
My group’s lounge is called “Alpha Σimmons Σimmons.”
So yeah!!
When the trampoline was first put up, one of the upperclassmen said “I have friends who refuse to think that MIT is a real college, and it’s just a big science summer camp,” and while this certainly isn’t always true, it’s pretty close.
Y’all, I have a group project due tonight that I will not have finished in time. I should not be writing this. You’re welcome.
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- Well, not really tonight, more like on sunday night and i was too busy to post this blog back to text ↑