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An illustration of Andi's profile. He has light skin, short black hair and is wearing a light blue collared shirt under a darker blue sweater.

Something to chalk about by Andi Q. '25

“These murals are f*cking rad” – Petey

MIT is a 168-acre playground for the world’s brightest undergrads, and nowhere is that more apparent than at Simmons Hall – my beautiful, spongey dorm. We have cats! A ball pit! And we can even draw on the walls! Not with paint (as students used to do in East Campus and Burton Conner) or crayons though, but with chalk.

I blogged about some of the awesome chalk murals in Simmons last year, but many were erased over the past summer01 For unsavory reasons I will not get into . It was a sad day when we moved back in and saw they were gone, but now we have a whole new batch of murals, thanks to the talented artists living in Simmons! So here are some more pictures of awesome chalk murals from around the dorm.

Big thanks to everyone who sent me pictures for this post!

Floors 1 and 2

Floor 3


Floor 4

Floor 5

Floor 6

(Floor 6 is pretty overpowered in the art department)

Floor 7

Floors 8, 9, and 10

Spirited Away

Basement, Room Interiors, and Other Unknown Locations

Spooky season


  1. For unsavory reasons I will not get into back to text