Summer, Summer, Summertime by Bryan
"...and this is how i spent my summer vacation."
So another school year came to a close, and so begins the season of sun and fun. The class of 2005 graduated, and it was really awesome to see some of my friends celebrate the completion of four successful years at the Institute. The pomp and circumstance of an MIT graduation was a sight to enjoy. It’s kinda crazy how I’ve already finished two years already. Wow. Time sure does fly.
Members of the Class of 2005 filing into Killian Court.
(For more on graduation, check out Matt‘s entry as well the official commencement page.)
I’m really excited for this summer though. I decided to stay here in Boston this summer which according to rumors is supposed to be a lot of fun. I’ll be testing that hypothesis. Aside from having a lot of fun, I’ll also be interning at a consulting firm in Harvard Square and UROP-ing in the Biotechnology Process Engineering Center. The weekends will be filled with exploring Boston, photo safaris, and learning to cook among other things.
I started working at the consulting firm at the beginning of June, and I got stuck in the cubicle in the far corner of the floor. It’s really quiet so the second day of work I brought some speakers to liven it up. I’m slowly adding some other random things to the cube so I feel more at home as well. Last summer, I interned at Shell, and this summer, I decided to expand my horizons a little more.
Here’s a before picture of my cubicle. We’ll see how it looks at the end of the summer.
Just a little plain-looking.
I’ve been working on my UROP since November 2004, so I’ve got a handle on what I’m supposed to be doing in lab, so it’s been an easy transition into that this summer.
A few friends and I got summer started off on the right foot with a good ol’ barbecue. The menu included: burgers, corn on the cob, and WATERMELON! We grilled indoors and then brought the dinner up to the roofdeck of my house. The weather was really nice so it worked out to be a really good evening with friends.
Here are a few pictures from the cooking extravaganza.
The gang cooking in the kitchen.
Tim and Maroof grilling the burgers up. (Tim, don’t come another step closer with that knife.)
Up on the roofdeck enjoying a well-cooked meal.
So summer has gotten off to a good start for me. I’m looking forward to having a lot of fun with my friends (we’ve started making a summer to-do list), and also looking forward to doing some travelling as well this summer. What about you guys? Any exciting adventures planned?
I’m surprised your cubicle isn’t covered in pictures of your heroes — Eric Lander, Paula Abdul, Bill Hemmer…
Ya’ll have a roofdeck?!
hello fellow blogger:)