The end, my friend by Melis A. '08
Pictures from my graduation :(
June 2008 seemed an eternity away when I first arrived on MIT’s campus. But lo and behold, yesterday I received my diploma. This won’t be a sappy reflective entry (that will come later!) Instead, I wanted to share some pictures that I took throughout my graduation experience yesterday. Despite the rain showers and wet feet, it was wonderful. I’m glad that I don’t have to leave this place for long…
Friday June 6, 2008 began in the indoor track. All graduates (undergrads, Masters, and PhDs) were told to report to the gym between 7:45 and 8:15 am. With 2,335 graduates, there was a well-organized system where we reported to a station in order to be lined up properly for the precession (first by school (e.g. Engineering and Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences), then by major (Course 1, then 2, then 6, etc.) then by last name (alphabetically.)) There was free breakfast but the line was ridiculous.
At 7:45 am (most people hadn’t arrived yet):
We are, we are, we are, we are, we are, the “gineers” :)
At 9 am:
Ah, the bond of the brass rat:
At 9:45ish, we began to leave the track and the precession began to organize on the artificial turf. The undergrads looked lame in their thin, unsubstantial gowns, while the people receiving PhDs looked very cool in their robes. One day that robe will be mine… hopefully!
On the turf:
Anna, my roommate for the first three years of college (and currently my next door neighbor):
Many members of the MIT community stood on Amherst Alley and Memorial Drive to wave and take pictures of us (including Bryan ).
Down Amherst Alley:
At around 10:15 am, we walked into Killian Court. It was really overwhelming… I felt like a gladiator entering an arena. Luckily, I was not about to fight with a tiger (though sometimes getting through MIT felt even more grueling.) I tried to enjoy the experience while telling myself not to cry.
Family and friends had to arrive as early at 7 am that day to get good seats, but we just waltzed right in. A view from my seat:
The guy on the left is Ali Alhassani, who won the Marshall Scholarship this year and happened to be next to me (our last names both start with A, and we both majored in 2A).
Ali graciously took a picture of us as well:
There were inspirational speeches by Mohammad Yunus , MIT President Susan Hockfield, the graduate and undergraduate class council presidents, and the president of the MIT Corporation.
Then, it was time to call the names….
And after the graduation ceremony, it was time to party! There were receptions EVERYWHERE, with more free food than anyone could ask for.
Also, my cousin (who is a musician in New York City) wrote me a song as my graduation present. If you’d like to hear it, go to: http://songformelis.com/ Yup, it was one of the best presents ever.
This entry is short and not very detailed, but its 7:17 am and I’ve only slept 3 hours. I hope you enjoyed the pictures, and leave comments with questions if you have any.
Congrats again, Melis. Hope u have a great career.
Congratulations Melis! I hope you have an awesome time in graduate school.
Sorry if this seems like a random question, but how many people were you allowed to invite to commencement?
Congratulations. And that song really is the best present ever!!
Hehe, the undergrads still look a lot less lame than my high school class did in their even more unsubstantial gowns the other day.
I can’t believe that this is (hopefully) going to be me in four years! Congrats Melis, and thanks for posting pictures.
Aw. Congratulations Melis! We’ll miss you next year.
@Anon: Each student get four tickets to the ceremonies in Killian Court, though it’s pretty common for students to give away their extra tickets. If you want to bring more people but don’t have tickets, there are overflow rooms where the ceremonies are broadcast live.
Congrats Melis! I’ll miss your blog entries.
Have a great time at Oxford.
congrajubilations! everyone’s proud of you… and your cousin wrote u a song? mad props to the cousin dude, his voice & guitar is pretty solid. =D
i only have one more week till I say goodbye to the cali beavers… still workin’ my tail off. =/ but then… freedom!
Congratulations Melis!
We will miss you and your awesome naturally inspiring blog. Is this your “end entry” too?
Best wishes at Oxford/Harvard! And please, don’t expect us to read about you at the top science journals only; I expect more entries on your MIT blog telling us all about your awesomeness at being amazing! =D
Congrats again, Melis, MIT will miss you badly =(
Besides, of course, the classic reflective entry. ^_^
Congrats, Melis!! Keep blogging once in a while =).
Congratulations on a great achievement. It has been a pleasure watching your success over these past years. I wish you all the best in the future. You are a beacon of light for many who are coming behind you. I know we will hear many more great things about you in the future.
Take care.
Let me be the first to say congratulations, Melis, and to wish you every happiness that life after MIT can bring.
Congrats Melis and all the graduates!!!!!!!
Thumbs Up and Happy Careers.
Congrats Melis and all the graduates!!!!!!!
Thumbs Up and Happy Careers.
does it always rain during graduation ceremonies? i remember it poured when i attended my sister’s MIT graduation ceremony…
Melis or to anyone who knows:
If I decide I wanted to stay in next house during REX, would I be able to choose Next House as an option during the reassignment lottery? I’m not sure whether the RBA system would restrict me from coming into Next House after the summer lottery, even if I didn’t mind becoming part of the RBA system.
Congrats Melis!
On another note, I know Ali! haha. He was the suitemate of my CPW host.
congrats melis! you’re so inspiring and i am going to miss you!! good luck at oxford!
Thanks, everyone
No it’s not my last entry! I have a few more that I’d like to post…and I plan on posting occasionally as a Blogger Alum.
Omar: I’m not sure. You can try contacting the Next House housing chair Ellen Wong at elwong6 at gmail dot com (spelled out to save Ellen the span.)