water wars, lovecrafting, and 361 other REX events by Chris Peterson SM '13
your annotated guide to everything currently unfolding on campus
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the Class of 2023 is arriving on campus for their orientation, which happens contemporaneous with Residential Exploration (REX), which is part of how housing is assigned. According to MIT’s Dormitory Council:
REX (Residence Exploration) is a fun time filled with tons of events that will help you get to know the different residential communities at MIT. For those of you who have already decided where you’re going to live, REX is a great opportunity to find out about the different parts of campus that you otherwise might not get to experience. For the rest of you, REX is the perfect time to explore MIT’s dorms and pick the place whose culture and residents feel like the best fit for you [ed: in case you want to move via FYRE]. Most of all, REX is a time to enjoy yourself and to meet as many people as possible, freshmen and upperclassmen, and to get a feel for what MIT has to offer socially.
Shuli blogged about REX the other day and you should go read that. But I also wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to browse all 363 events for themselves. There’s an online guide to all events, but since it erases the events from memory once they occur, I also wanted to upload a complete PDF, which is also embedded below.
The REX guide (and i3 videos) are a great way to get a preview of what campus life is like at MIT. Take a look and post your favorite event in the comments below!