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MIT student blogger Bryan O. '07

Who you gonna call? by Bryan

The Mythbusters @ MIT!

Not these guys, I hope.

Hopefully, instead you’ll call these two:

Last night, LSC hosted the Mythbusters, Adam and Jamie, who came to MIT to describe some of their work and how they get inspiration for what they do.

I’ve never seen a more packed Kresge. Not even for a Logs concert.

Mythbusters on stage.

Now, what you might not know is that the Mythbusters are not foreign to MIT.

(Hops into Time Machine)

The year was 2005, and one day I found myself walking out of class across Killian Court to see a number of mirrors all lined out on the grass.

Last year, students from Professor David Wallace’s Product Engineering Process (2.009) class had the opportunity to try to bust the Archimedes Death Ray myth. So a couple students went out to San Francisco to help the Mythbusters test the myth. The early test at MIT resulted in the large flash ignition; however, when it came to the show, the MIT team along with the Mythbusters were not able to recreate the flame.

More on MIT and the Archimedes Death Ray can be found here

7 responses to “Who you gonna call?”

  1. Oh man…the Mythbusters were awesome. My friends and I got to Kresge 2 hours early and stood in line so we could get 2nd row seats.

  2. Sam Jackson says:

    Was there any live on-stage mythbusting? MIT-style?

    So jealous!

  3. Zaira says:

    Adam, Jamie and Buster are my heroes!

  4. Sean says:

    Thats amazing, I want to meet those two so badly. I really want to ask them questions about their Confederate Rocket and their Steam Powered cannon

  5. glareflair17 says:

    so awesome!

    I especially like the episode with the Mentos.

    so cool!

  6. Prasanna says:

    These two are so cool.. i liked the border jumping one…

  7. Edward says:

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